Chapter 50

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Bella's Pov 

When the glass hit the ground I knew what I had to do to stop him from harassing my kids and myself I had to kill myself for the sake of myself and for the sake of my kids so he doesn't do this to my daughters and so I bent down as far as I could and I grabbed the biggest piece of glass and I brought it to my heart and I said this will fucking teach you ass hat.

Then I started pushing but as I was pushing the glass more and more into my heart I heard the cell door open and I felt someone grab me while someone grabbed the glass out of my hand and I started screaming and crying and I screamed NO PLEASE LET ME DO THIS I CAN'T KEEP LIVING LIKE THIS PLEASE and I kept screaming until finally I felt myself being calmed down.

As I was being calmed down I looked up and I saw Jasper and Carlisle and I gasped and let go of the glass and I started crying into Carlisle shoulders and I said thank you Jasper and Jasper said your welcome Bella and then I saw Embry run into the room and ran over to me and he took me off of Carlisle and pulled me into his arms.

So then I said are they dead are they all dead is it over and Embry said yes sweetheart they are dead it's over and I said thank you and then Embry lifted me into his arms and they all walked out of the building I was in and next thing I knew I was being sent to sleep by Jasper and I smiled and said before I couldn't say anything any more kill it Carlisle.

Then Carlisle said Bella you sure I mean do you really want this do you know what this could mean for you and I said yes I don't want any more of Klaus's kids Dad no more and Carlisle said ok Bella I'll kill it now go to sleep and I said thank you all and I fell to sleep thinking of how I will soon see my kids again and I was thinking of how much I love Embry and my family.

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