Chapter 42

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Bella's Pov

As I saw my Dad look at me I gulped and said Dad how did when did and Aro said your brother came and got me when you were beating up your sister and I got all my courage and said it wasn't my fault it was her she started it she was bad mouthing my family and my Dad said I don't care I don't want to here it now say sorry at once.

Then I growled at him and said no way she has to say that to me not the other way around and my Dad said Bella don't make me do something I will regret now do it and I said no this is not fair she is an evil bitch and Alec said yeah so are you and Dad said not now Alec take Carlisle and Esme to the thrown room now and Alec said but Dad she and Dad stopped him and said now Alec.

So Alec growled and walked away and both Carlisle and Esme followed after him looking back at me and when I went to follow them Dad stopped me and said no you are not going anywhere with anyone until you say your sorry and I said fuck you you are not my father and you can't tell me what to fucking do and Aro said oh Bella you have no idea how much authority I have over you.

Then I said you will not tell me what to fucking do ass hat I am not will I ever be under your control again and then I heard I voice I thought I would never hear again say Bella my daughter please stop upsetting your father and just apologise to your sister and I gasped and smiled and ran to her as fast as my pregnant body would take me and hugged her and said Mum I have missed you so much.

As I said that Mum said oh my baby girl I have missed you to and I am glad to see you have survived without us for so long but please do what you father has said and apologise to Jane and I said but it wasn't me who started it Mum it was her and Mum said Bella sweetie we all know no matter who started it you both are stubborn that's just the way twins are born but please apologise.

Then I said as I removed my arms from my Mum no way she doesn't deserve it and my Dad growled and said alright I've had it and looked at Mum and said she has been back not even an hour yet and she has caused trouble and Mum said please don't be to hard on her Aro you know what they are like and Dad said yes I know which is why I have decided.

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