Chapter 52

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Bella's Pov

When I got to my parents I hugged them both and I said thank you for finding me and Mum said nothing would stop us princess and I said I know and I looked at Dad and he said no matter where you go we will find you and I said thanks Dad and then I went over to the Cullen's and I said looking at Jasper thank you for calming down enough so I would stop myself.

Then Jasper said no problem Bella and I smiled and all hugged all the Cullen's and I glanced over at Rosalie who had a baby in her arms and then I saw Alice had a baby to and I gasped and I looked down at my stomach and I saw the bump was away but then I looked back at the baby and I knew right away that Carlisle didn't kill it he removed it and it survive and so I growled and I looked at Carlisle angrily. 

As I thought he couldn't be trusted and so I said you ignored me and Carlisle said Bella please listen and I said no you listen I told you to kill it and Carlisle said I know Bella but it was to attached to you if we removed it you would have died and I said yeah so what and my kids all gasped and Clara, Chloe, Caleb and Riley all starting crying because of what I said.

So I went over to them and I lifted the 4 of them into my arms and I said hugging them no I didn't mean it like that and I looked at Carlisle and I said as Embry rapped an arm around me what I meant was that if I was dying while you were removing the baby you could have turned me into you you kind of vampire Carlisle it doesn't take that much.

Then Carlisle said ok so there was that choice but I didn't want to chance it at the time ok none of us wanted to risk it and I said ok fine well the babies are here but what do we do with them because I don't want them and Carlisle said we know which is why if you let them Rosalie and Emmett will take the boy which they called Owen and Alice and Jasper will take the girl who they called Lexi.

So after a minute or two of thinking I said looking at the 2 couples you sure you want because if these are Klaus kids which I'm positive they are not like Amara, Hunter, Hope and Reece who are Elijah's kids from what I have found out then Owen and Lexi are also going to be part wolf and both couples gulped but said yes we are sure and Rosalie said we can't have kids Bella and if this is our only way then we are taking.

Then I said ok fine you can have them but under no reason do you tell them I am their mother I don't want them to know that I gave them to you because I didn't want them because of who their dad is and both couples said ok Bella we won't tell them even when they are older not under you tell us to and I smiled and said ok then my kids are now yours congratulations and everyone clapped and hugged Rosalie, Emmett, Alice and Jasper.

After that day we all moved into the Volturi castle and we all lived as a family even the pack and we all had a good live raising our kids and growing our families as we know new the threat was over and we knew fought or got into a fight ever again well that is except for the vampires that we fought to keep the vampire world both Sparkle and Sun from going public.

So now the only people left of the Mikaelson family was my aunt and uncle Ester and Mikael and we were glad of that and so me and Embry got re-married and we had a good life as we had 4 more kids over the years called Darcy, Skye, Flynn and Beck and even though Owen and Lexi are my kids they never found out the truth up until this day and so far we have all had fun living and learning as one big happy group.

The end

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