I'm going back?? ( 23 )

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Mike POV

It was morning already, then I heard Yuina and Hiroto talking outside the door of my room "Yuina we have to free Mike, since Nikki is outside waiting for him anyway we don't have a choice" said Hiroto, Yuina said YES because she doesn't have a choice, then Yuina knocked on the door and said in a sad voice "I know your awake time to dress up, pack up your things and meet us downstairs at the dinning room with your stuff your big sistr is already there". And I did exactly what she said and went down the stairs.

The Dinning Room

When I saw my big sister, Nikki I immediately went to her and went outside the castle and she said thanks for letting me go and I saw our friends just waiting outside, then Nikki opened a portal going back home, I'm finally safe:-)

Back At Our World

"Were already home!" I said in a happy voice and unpacked my stuff and went to Nikki's and my room (we share the same room) and rested..............

Thanks for reading, VERY VERY SORRY if the chapter is too short, because I'm lazy today:-(
Hope you like it :-)

Chapter 23 - End

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