Merry Christmas Everybody! ( 32 )

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Yuuma POV

It's been 5 days since I told Nikki the truth, and it's already Christmas, I never saw her again after that (only at dinner, breakfast, and lunch). I Hope she is not gonna hurt Rin because she is coming here today, I went to Yuuta's room and said "I don't want to marry Rin, kuya!" I angrily said to him. "Then fine, if you don't want to marry her then who do you want to marry?" He said to me, "I'm not marrying anyone until I like her." I replied. Then I saw Nikki walk behind us through the hallway, I ran towards Nikki and said "I'm not marrying Rin, because I like you I never liked her." I said to her, Nikki still had no emetions usually she is already happy. "I invite you to play soccer!" She said to me because she is good at soccer. I wasn't good at any sports :'(

At Our Garden

Nikki burned the snow and the girls and boys helped her fix tje court. After 30 or 40 minutes the game began. The girls nearly won the game but there was Mike he was good at this game like Nikki they were both taught how to play sports. Then the game was finished the girls won by 1 point to the boys, after that game Rin came and saw me talking to Nikki and she was just like jealous that she isn't always there and Nikki was. Everything was now okay with me and Nikki until Rin Naoki came to the castle.

In The Castle

Nikki POV

I saw Rin then I remembered what Yuuma said to me, I approached her "oh so you're Nikki, Yuuma always told me about you" she said in a mean voice, "oh so you're Rin Naoki, Yuuma doesn't want to marry you because he likes me" I said to her. "Your lying! Yuuma always wanted to marry me!" She shouted at me, "ask him and he'll tell you the truth" I replied back, I wanted to hurt her but Koko interrupted our conversation and excused me because I have something to appoint to. "Why are talking to her like that?" She asked me, "because that's how she talks to me" I whispered to her and she said okay.

Dinner Time

Good thing Rin was positioned far away from Yuuma and I sat beside him and her face was jealous, it was so silent "attention! Attention! Yuuma and Rin's wedding will be canceled, Yuuma will make a decision on who he will marry this time!" Yuuta said. Rin's face was like No way! Come on!, I then continued eating my favorite food barbeque. After eating Rin angrily left the room, I waited for Yuuma to finish eating then we left. We were walking alone and together through the hallway, he suddenly held my hand and we blushed unknowingly that Rin is watching us. Yuuma kissed me on the cheek and Rin cried because he never did that to her, she just left running with tears.

At My Room

As I entered the room I sayed bye to Yuuma, "what happened?" Koko asked me I said to her that he kissed me on the cheek. I rested for awhile on the bed waiting for 12:00 midnight to come, I wondered if he have a gift for me and if he really loves me or whatever.

At Midnight

"Nikki it's midnight already" Yuuma said behind the door, I told the my roomates that it was midnight already and I get dressed for Christmas. Yuuma waited for us and we went to the living room he gave me hot cocoa. When everything was set he bowed down and put out a ring and asked me for marriage, but I said I'm not ready yet maybe boyfriend and girlfriend first, he agreed. This was my best Christmas Ever! Rin sat in one corner being jealous of me.

Thank you for reading and voting. Merry Christmas to everybody! :-)

Chapter 32 - End :-)

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