The World of Sweets ( 20 )

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Mike POV

"Where am I?" I said in a dizzy voice, then a young girl with pigtails appeared "you're in The World of Sweets, where everything is made of sweets." She said. Then a boy older than her appeared, it looked like her older brother. Then he spoke "this is my little sister she has the same age as you, Mike she liked since you two met at grade two, but we were forced to go here by the order of our mom the Sweets Queen. She was looking for you for two years, until today she planned for every moment, even Nikki is here we left her a pair of glasses, so she can see everything you see. By the ways I am Hiroto Takajou and my sister Yuina Takajou. See you at dinner". Then the Sweets people untied me and lead me to my room, there was also a change of clothes, then I took out of my earphones and MP3 from the bag I brought. I saw a pair of glasses and there is something written wear me and I followed the instruction, then I made contact with my big sister. We talked and talked through the glasses connection until Hiroto told me that it is dinner time.

At the dinning room

Here I am sitting infront of Hiroto and beside me is Yuina. We had sinigang and tinola, my big sister's favorite for dinner, Yuina may look cute but she has a beast side, so is Hiroto but his is an evil side. Hiroto always agrees with Yuina, he never disagree with her, their parents died in the battle between other worlds, to get to the highest throne. That's why Yuina grew up with Hiroto, their parents have a hoarse side, that explains why Hiroto is always with Yuina.

At my bedroom

All of this explains why those two look like they have a demon face whenever they look at their parents picture in the hallway, because they were defeated by the demon world. I tried to relax my mind, because I grew up with my big sister and I am a problem solver. Then I layed down the bed, while listening to my MP3. Then I went to sleep zzzzzzzzz.....................

I hope you like the story/chapter. New updates coming soon. Hope you like this story. The picture above represents Yuina Takajou. Thanks for reading:-)

Chapter 20 - End

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