Chapter 4 ~ Dreams and Training

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Percy POV

I awoke to sunlight streaming down through the clouds right into my eyes. I was blinded for a moment and regained my senses. I looked around in shock at the destruction that lay around me. Trees were uprooted and splintered to pieces, the ground was ripped and torn up, and the river to my left was dry and barren, the very water blast out of its banks. What could have done this?

That's when I remembered the events that transpired yesterday; Annabeth cheated on me with my no-good half brother. I felt deep pain well up within the pieces of my heart as I heard her words that she was only using me and never loved me. Tears sprung to my eyes but I quickly blinked them back. I would NOT cry over her! She isn't worth it.

A bright flash of light tore me out of my thoughts as I turned to the source of where the light came from. Standing in the clearing was Hermes and he did not look happy. He looked, dare I say it, very angry. I had only seen him this angry at the battle of Manhattan when he almost incinerated Annabeth because he accused her of not going with Luke to save him. What could have possibly made him angry to look like he is right now?

"Perseus," He said my name in a cold tone, "Your presence is required on Olympus immediately. I was sent here to get you."

Now I know something is wrong. Hermes always called me Percy. He never called me by my formal name before. What is going on?

"Umm ok, Hermes. But what for? Am I in trouble for something?" I asked confused.

He looked at me with a glare. "Let's get going Perseus. We don't want to keep father waiting."

He grabbed my arm, a little too aggressively, and we flashed away to Olympus.

We appeared in the Throne Room of Olympus and all the gods were already seated. I could tell something was off. The tension in the air was really thick and it all seemed to be pointed directly at me.

Hermes left me in the middle of the throne room and walked to his throne, growing to his godly height of 15-ft. I stood there looking at some of the faces of the gods and all of them showed some level of hostility, anger, and hatred. All except Hestia, Hades, and Artemis, who looked just as confused as I was at to what was with all the hostility.

Zeus sat on his throne, looking at me with his thunderstorm gray eyes that had flashes of electric blue streaks in it and the expression he was wearing was a mixture of anger and triumph.

"Good of you to finally join us Perseus. Now that you are here I think it would be a wonderful opportunity to tell you why we have convened. So without further ado...SEIZE HIM!" Zeus thundered pointing his finger at me.

Ares, Apollo, Hephaestus, and Athena all jumped off their thrones with weapons out in full battle armor and rushed me. I was too shocked to do anything as they slammed into me, held me down, punched kicked, sliced, and chained me down on the floor.

I tried to fight back, but they caught me off guard and it was damn near impossible to fight four gods off at once, all in full battle armor, and two of them being war gods. When they moved away, I was covered bruises and cuts. My hands and feet were shackled in celestial bronze chains that were shackled to the floor.

"What is going on?" I yelled at Zeus. "Why am I in chains? What did I do?"

I was silenced as Athena stepped for forward and slammed the butt of her spear into my mouth, snapping my head backwards. I pulled my head back forwards and spat a mouthful of blood on the floor.

"What the Hades are you doing brother?!" Hestia yelled from her throne, her eyes that were usually full of comfort and kindness, were blazing in anger as she looked at her younger brother.

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