Chapter 9 ~ More Training and New Family

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Artemis smiled slightly before she flashed away in a silver light. One thing was for certain, whatever threat was on the horizon, it was powerful and could spell disaster for Olympus. But her heart felt a trickle of hope; if Percy was the biggest threat to this force, then maybe, just maybe, they can retrieve him from Tartarus and he can see him once more.

Unknown to her, in the clearing she flashed out of, a dark presence could be felt as the shadows stirred and swirled.

A mysterious voice, filled with evil and darkness whispered into the night sky. "Soon, little Moon Goddess. All will tremble before my might and not you, the Olympians, not even that son of Poseidon demigod, will be able to stop me."

And with that, the dark presence left the clearing, fading away into the night.


Percy POV

"Again!" Came the sharp response from my trainer. I slowly picked myself up from the ground, wincing at the bruises that were forming on my skin. I was getting annoyed and angry at this vicious training regiment, but I forced those emotions down. It wouldn't be productive to lash out at my trainer for pushing me hard. I would need every single advantage I could gain if I was to survive in the Arena.

I was currently in the training area of the Arena. It was an oval-shaped room about 500 meters, tip to tip. There were so many different sections in the training room to enhance one's skill. It had an archery range, spear-fighting range, sword arena, and much more. Covering the walls of the room were all sorts od varieties of weapons, from spears and swords, bows and arrows, knives and throwing stars, and whips and lashes. In one area of the wall, were a section of weapons that was for the sole purpose of cruelty and brutality. Weapons in this section were twisted to inflict as much pain as humanly possible to give the audience a good show. It made me sick just thinking about it, but it also intrigued me as well.

Another special place about this training room was that it had a special section where monsters could work on their own specific ability. For Giants and Cyclopes, they had a strength area to strengthen their muscles. For monsters with wings, there was a aerial obstacle course above us. The place was like Camp-Halfblood. You know, if Camp was designed for monsters.

On my feet, I looked over at my trainer, Bob, who was leaning lazily against his 12-foot spear. He was in his 10-foot form right now, so as to help me adjust to fighting opponents much bigger than me. He had a stern look in his solid, silver eyes as he scrutinized me; assessing my strengths and weaknesses. It seems that when he regained his memories, his skill with the spear has skyrocketed.

I bent down a retrieved my own spear from the ground. Bob wanted me to be versatile in a variety of weaponry so not only does he train me with a sword, but he wanted me to train me in his form of combat.

The spear I held was the first thing that I made in the forges of the Arena. Turns out that when you absorb 7 Cyclopes in your head, you gain a whole lot of forging knowledge. The spear was about 7 feet long, about 8 inches taller than me. It was made out of Stygian Iron, Celestial Bronze, with just a bit of Titan Silver added to the mix. Bob gave me the Titan Silver and it turns out that this metal, when added to other godly metals, makes a weapon virtually unbreakable and indestructible. It also imbued it with magical properties that allowed me to manipulate the weapons structure a bit. If I pressed a certain button, the spearhead splits into two prongs and a third point rises from the shaft, creating a trident. It should be a nice little surprise against any opponent.

"Come on Percy! We've been at this for hours now and you still can't land a blow on me!" Bob cried out in exasperation.

I gritted my teeth, feeling them sharpen slightly. Ever since I combined with the monsters in my mind, their forms are now truly apart of me and my body reacts to my anger, shifting without my knowledge.

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