Chapter 11 ~ The Monster Quad Squad

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For millennia I have been imprisoned in this cage, but soon I will be free and when I am, I will plunge the world into endless and eternal darkness! The voice promised. It began to chuckle quietly before it grew in volume until it was booming with laughter, the evil in it making my skin crawl.

Wake up! Wake up! WAKE UP! I mentally yelled at myself. I gasped awake, clutching at my chest where I felt my heart racing as I tried to gulp down as much air as I could. I was covered in a thin layer of sweat and my bed was soaked in it.

I turned to see I had woke up dad and Damasen, who were looking at me in worry.

"Son what is it? What's wrong?" He asked, concern shining in his silver eyes.

I shook my head, not wanting to tell them. "It was nothing. It was just...a nightmare." I said. They nodded their heads in acceptance, for they had seen me scream awake from many nightmares of my time with Kronos. They made me promise them to tell me if anything was bothering me before they went back to sleep.

I just lay down in my bed, thinking of my dream. I couldn't go back to sleep after what I just saw. What was that thing? What did it want? And more importantly, what did it want to do with me?

Sighing, I just laid in bed thinking all night long of what that thing was, not even aware that I stayed awake all night and the morning had finally come around.


Percy POV

I was in the training area, practicing on my powers and fighting skills. I needed to be in top condition for tomorrow's fight because I knew that Perses has something crazy planned for me. He is probably one of the only immortals that I fear. He personifies destruction, making him even more random and untamable than I am and I am of the sea! He visits me sometimes in my cell and I never know which Perses I will get; he could be the crazy, homicidal titan that wants to gut me and use me as his champion of destruction, or I get the almost normal Perses, who acts like he's my cousin and we are the best of friends. It really freaks me out.

I snapped out of my thoughts and got back to training. Twirling my spear, which I named Moon Fire due to the silver flames, I rushed forward and delivered a punishing thrust into the stomach of my dummy, disemboweling it. My spear goes all the way through the dummy, slicing it in half due to my boost in strength and speed. I wasted no time in engaging my other targets, spinning my spear in a circular motion, slicing through five dummies in one slice. Jumping up and away, I performed a few evasive maneuvers, simulating a real fight, performed a flying somersault and drove my spear through the top of the last dummies head, spearing all the way down its straw body.

I was breathing heavy and sweating from the strenuous training, my arms and muscles feeling incredibly sore. Unknown to me, I had an audience and they made themselves known by clapping.

I whipped my head to the left and saw my adopted father smiling at me, pride in his solid silver eyes.

"Well done Percy! Your skills over the spear have grown exponentially, surpassing and exceeding all my expectations." He said proudly, making me smile.

"Thanks dad. Though I do have to say, I think I'm gonna need some stronger stuff to practice with. These flimsy dummies keep bursting apart with my thrusts." I replied back.

It was true; I found out that whenever I absorb a monster, some of their power and abilities are present in my human form. I didn't notice until after my fight with King Hellhound. Now my strength and speed have increased to superhuman levels. They were nowhere near as strong when I shifted into my monster forms, but I guess that was to be expected.

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