Chapter 13 ~ Discoveries

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He then snapped out of his musing and looked at the gods. "I do have to say, that it is so much fun watching your little hero suffer all the torture Tartarus has to offer. My grandnephew is doing a fantastic job making his life hell in the Arena." His comment got the desired action. They all looked at him in horror, feeling as if they were about to throw up. He was in the Arena? The gladiatorial fighting rings where millions of monsters come to watch and participate in the games? The guilt that they felt for sending an innocent hero there was almost too much to bear.

"Anyway, I am here to see if you would have any chance without your little hero and I am sure you have none. Say your prayers Olympians, for soon, you will all perish!" Erebus laughed maniacally as he faded away, taking all the darkness with him, leaving behind some very frightened Olympians.

It took a while before the Olympians could speak again. "We have another war coming against the Primordial of Darkness and Shadows himself and potentially his brothers and sisters?" Hermes asked, still shaken.

"We're screwed." Ares said.

Artemis stood up from her throne. "No we are not! Haven't you heard the prophecy? There is a chance that we can win this, but we need to prepare and do a few things first. We need to right a wrong that you all did." Artemis said in a commanding tone.

The Olympians all looked at her, realization and a bit of hope coming into their eyes.

Poseidon looked at his niece, hope shining in his sea green eyes. "You don't mean...?" HE said.

She nodded her head, smiling widely. "Yes. We have to free Percy Jackson from Tartarus."


Percy POV

It was year 15. Nailed to the wall, hanging from Stygian Iron chains, all I could do was scream in agony as I felt the white-hot tips of metal spikes being driven through my body. The smell of burning flesh reached my nostrils, making my stomach want to heave. I felt bile rise to my throat, the stomach acid burning my already raw throat as it spilled past my bloody and cracked lips.

I lifted my gaze to meet that of my tormentor. Kronos just looked at me with a look akin to that of boredom on his face, his gold eyes filled with apathy.

He sighed as he drove another spike through my bicep, the tip impaling into the bone, sending fragments into the surrounding tissue.

"You know, I can't believe I'm saying this, but just stabbing spikes through your body, lighting it on fire, and carving up your chest is starting to become boring. Sure your screams fill my heart with joy, but it has become repetitive, dull, and boring." He said in a dishearted tone. He actually looked sad and bored, which only furthered his madness.

He began pacing in front of me as I willed myself to wake up from this nightmare. It's not real! This happened years ago! You're only dreaming. I was screaming at myself to wake up. I was in one of my nightly nightmares, relieving one of the many memories of my tortures with Kronos. Here I was powerless. I wanted nothing more than to change my form and tear his throat out, but this was just a dream and I would remain trapped and have to re-experience this torture until it was over.

The nightmares were slowly starting to strip away what little sanity I had left. Sure my powers and skills have grown, as had my mental fortitude with all the meditation and training I went through. I had a support system with my new family who would help me through the nightmares, but they were still horrendous. I felt every single slice, every burn, every puncture in my dreams. And this dream was by far the worst of them all.

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