Chapter 10 ~ A King is Crowned

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The King of all Hellhounds threw his head back and let out a mind-numbing howl. Suddenly, all the hellhound in the stands, shadow traveled in front of their master, forming a virtual sea of black beasts that I had to fight. All their red eyes were boring a hole straight at me and I wanted to flinch away, but steeled my resolve. Taking out my sword in one hand and spear in the other, I crouched down into a defensive stance. I focused on the Nemean Lion and felt its golden, impenetrable fur coat my body and its natural strength and grace tingling in my muscles. I would need its impenetrable hide to survive this.

"You want some?" I yelled out defiantly. "Come and get some!"

On an unspoken command, the hellhounds broke rank and rushed me, mouth open, ready to devour me. Steeling my resolve and focusing on my promise to Bob and Damasen, I let out a breath and dashed forward straight into the sea of black.


Percy POV

Dashing into the horde of demon dogs was maybe one of the top ten most dangerous and stupidest things I have ever done. I was a speck of gold amongst of sea of black, leaping, ducking, and dodging, with the natural grace I acquired from the Nemean Lion. I thanked my lucky stars for the impenetrable golden fur that coated my body. Without out it and the feline grace, I would have been sliced to ribbons in the first 10 seconds.

I could feel the hellhounds all around, snarling with drool dripping from their sharp, dagger-like teeth. Their furry bodies were pressed against me, the pressure becoming close to unbearable. I gritted my teeth, pushing against the mass of bodies that were all around me, trying to crush me. I did not go through decades of torture, pain, and training to get killed by a bunch of slobbering mutts. With an inhuman roar, I tensed my leg muscles and blasted all the hellhounds back by a good ten feet. I was able to catch my breath and survey the situation.

There had to be at least one thousand hellhounds surrounding me. Dogs the size of Hondas, with black lips pulled back in a snarl, revealing gleaming canines that looked like glistening silver. Their fur was caked in dust and blood from recent kills, and was matted in places. Their muscles were tensed, ready to snap at the first sign of movement, too tear me apart with razor sharp claws. Their blood-red eyes were glaring at me with murderous intent, promising pain. Yet, they all looked at me warily, sizing me up. They could tell that they would have to fight for their meal and I was gonna make them pay for it. The King of Hellhounds was standing a hundred yards away, looking regal and deadly. He seemed smug, like sending his subjects to take care of his dirty work was what he did all the time and the task of dealing with a single demigod was beneath him. That infuriated me and I could feel the anger and fury begin to build inside me.

The monsters in my mind were going crazy; I could feel them jumping around in my mind, yelling out advice on how to beat these demon dogs. They were pushing at the barriers of my mind, begging to take control of my body and unleash their rage on the beasts. Even though we were bonded, I was hesitant in letting them take over my body. I was scarred to do that; whenever I allowed that to happen, it unleashed a darker persona inside me. One full of vicious and malicious glee, wanting to burn destroy and raze all that stood before me.

Before I could decide on an action, one beefy looking hellhound got tired of waiting and launched itself at me, maw wide open. Moving with swift action, I plunged my sword directly into his open mouth, puncturing the roof of his mouth and into his brain. Howling in pain, the hellhound spasmed a few times before it lay still and melting into dust and shadow, where it was promptly absorbed into my body.

That one kill set of the bomb and the rest of the hounds attacked. My mind went on autopilot as I shifted into survival mode and melded with the monsters in my mind, knowing it was the only way I could get out of this alive. Every slice of my sword, every cut I made was a deathblow. I became a merciless, killing machine as I launched killed hound after hound. Howls of pain and agony echoed around the arena as the monsters in the stands cheered for the carnage taking place. Unknown to me, a sadistic smile began to adorn my features, as my eyes began to change shape, becoming reptilian, monster slits. I was covered in monster dust, which went really well with my golden fur. In no time at all I killed nearly half of them, all their essences being absorbed into my body, while the other half was yipping and barking in fear, trying to flee from me.

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