Chapter 16 ~ Destruction VS. The Destroyer

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All of them would be lethal on their own, but together? They would be a nearly unstoppable force. How could I even defeat one let alone all six of these powerhouses?

Perses smirked down at me. "Now do you see how hopeless your situation is? You will fight, you will lose, and you will be all mine." He taunted.

Looking at the Heralds emotionless faces, I nearly gave up. I felt insignificant compared to them, their power dwarfing my own meager grasp of the elements. But then, the survivor in me reached up and slapped me back to reality. Hard.

I would not give up! I would not back down and let Perses win! After all the tortures I went through I refused to fall over and surrender now! To hell with all of them!

Snarling, I pulled on my necklace that contained my armor. A bright light coated my body and I felt the familiar weight of my armor settle over me. I pounded my gauntlets together, a challenging ringing sound echoing throughout the arena and starling the Heralds slightly. Like they were surprised that I actually had the balls to stand up to them and fight back.

Pulling out my trusted sword, Riptide, I settled into a defensive position, my sword pointed at them in a taunting way as they shuffled nervously.

I merely cocked an eyebrow at them. "Well then, let's dance!" I cried as I lunged towards them.


Third Person POV

Now, Percy has done a lot of crazy, stupid, insane, and dangerous things in his life. When he was twelve, he killed Alecto the Fury, rushed the Minotaur on Half-Blood Hill, went on a stupid quest to retrieve Bolt Breath's electric toy, snuck out of camp to find the Golden Fleece, took the sky for Artemis's shoulder, exploded Mt. Saint Helens, stirring Typhon from his slumber, fought Kronos on Mt. Olympus, and challenged and pissed off more powerful immortals than one could count.

But sprinting at six powerful, elemental beings who were born out of the very elements themselves...that blew all of his previous stunts out of the water.

The six, seven-foot tall Elementals all stood in a circle, as they watched impassively at their adversary approached. With a mighty war cry, Percy attacked them head-on, heading straight for Steel, the Herald of Metal. He figured that he would attack the weaker elements before engaging the tougher ones. He brought his sword down in a deadly, overhead swipe, hoping to cleave the metal being in two and get him out of the fight early.

Oh how mistaken he was.

Steel merely gazed on emotionlessly as the sword descended towards his head, not even moving as the sharp blade came closer and closer to his skull. Faster than the eye could see, his arms morphed into two long, wicked sharp swords, whipped them up in an X formation, stopping the attack dead. Percy's eyes widened in shock at how his powerful attack was stopped with no effort on the Heralds part.

His eyes widened even further as Steel morphed his arms from their sword form too two, oversized double hammers. He couldn't react in time as the metal clubs slammed into his exposed chest and sent him flying through the air, landing on the ground a good fifty feet away. Stone clenched his fist and the earth responded to his command by hardening, making the impact Percy felt all the more painful as he slammed into the unforgiving stone. Blaze followed up the attack with a blast of fire that surrounded Percy in a circle of flames.

The monsters in the audience were cheering and going insane at the fight so far. Perses was sitting in his throne, a smirk on his features as he saw the son of Poseidon land on the unforgiving ground. Seems like this was gonna be a quick fight, he thought pleasantly

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