Chapter 8 ~ New Threat on the Horizon

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"Percy, why would you do that? Why would you be willing to bet your free will to Perses just so we can get out of here? It's not worth it." Damasen asked with an intensity that shocked me.

"Because I choose to. What kind of life is this to forever fight in a coliseum for the entertainment of monster and a mad titan? What kind of life is it to be ridiculed and tortured everyday? You are the children of the Primordials! You are great deities that don't deserve this kind of life! If there is even a remote chance of escaping here, I will take it and I would do anything for you guys. I only have a few people left that I am loyal too and that includes you too. Bob, I will help you see the stars again and Damasen, you will see the upper world once more. I promise." I said with fiery conviction.

Bob and Damasen were stunned by my outburst before looks of gratitude and hope came across their faces. The stood from the floor and towered over me.

"Well my friend, if you are gonna win this bet, then you need more training in hopes to survive." Damasen said.

"Yes. Perses is a cruel titan but also very crafty when he needs to be. He will throw everything possible at you to get you to fail. Monsters so old that demigods have never seen them before. You will need every advantage you can get." Bob said solemnly.

I nodded my head. "When do we start?" I asked and I could already tell from the looks on their faces.

They looked at each other before looking back at me.



Third Person POV

It was a peaceful night in the forests outside the cities in Nebraska. The weather was cool, the stars were twinkling in the sky, and the tranquil quietness of the forest was beautiful. Within the forest, if you looked very closely, you could see the silhouettes of figures rushing through the trees with the speed, grace, and silence of panthers. Every now and then, a figure would run through of patch of moonlight, illuminating a young girl covered in silver garb, wielding a silver bow and arrow with hunting knives strapped to her their thighs. But as quick as they appeared, they vanished without a trace back into the forest.

The Hunters of Artemis were trekking through the woods, hunting down a rouge pack of monsters that they have been assigned to eliminate by Zeus and the Council. Leading the group of immortal maidens was a young girl about the age of twelve with another older girl, close to the age of sixteen. The sixteen year old was wearing the usual silver attire but she had a Death-to-Barbie black t-shirt on with a silver tiara on her head, signifying she was the lieutenant. Her electric blue eyes scanned the area before turning to the younger girl.

"There are close, milady. We are closing in on them. And then we can report to father that we have completed our task." Thalia Grace, daughter of Zeus and Lieutenant of the Hunters of Artemis said with a scowl as she said father like it was the worst insult.

The younger girl nodded her head as she too had a distasteful look on her face at the mention of her father. This girl was nothing short of stunning and beautiful, with long-flowing auburn hair that cascaded down her back. Her silver eyes were mesmerizing as they glowed with power and seemed older than her present age showed. This was in fact Lady Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt, Moon, and Maidens.

Artemis turned to look at Thalia, her expression softening as she looked at her angry and depressed lieutenant. She understood why she was so angry and sad. Heck she herself was burning up in fury at what her idiot of a father and the council had done to the only man that had ever gained her respect.

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