Chapter 14 ~ Dragon Master

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Kampe recovered from her shock, her green eyes narrowing as she regarded Percy warily.

"How do you know the Language of Old Times?" She hissed out.

Percy's smirk turned sinister, as his slitted pupils bored into Kampe's. "You shall find out soon enough."

Kampe recoiled a little bit at the hatred and savage look in his eye. For the first time in her long life, she felt a stirring of fear and nervousness, deep within her stomach as she stared into the swirling pools of power that were the demigod's eyes. She snapped out of it and brandished her scimitars, letting out a hiss as she got ready to attack.

"Not yet Kampe! We still have yet to introduce the final contender that this boy must face." Perses called out with a gleefully insane smile. But his eyes bored into hers with a deadly gaze. He meant business and would not tolerate it if she attacked before it was time.

"The third and final contender is a legend from the stars himself! Called down to answer the call of battle, spewing forth his mighty roar, flames cascading out from his maw. The very first of his kind and the best, I give you the mighty dragon, DRACO!" He bellowed out.

Silence fell over the crowd as they awaited the arrival of the legend himself. Seconds turned into to minutes, yet the dragon didn't appear. Percy felt like laughing and taunting Perses. But before he could make a sarcastic remark, a roar louder than anything he had ever heard, shook the stadium.

Upon hearing the roar, Percy paled. Whatever had made that sound was monstrous and it was coming straight for him.


Third Person POV

After the roar was heard, the entire audience of monsters fell silent, fear gripping at their cold, black hearts, the primal parts of their brains screaming at them to run from whatever made that roar. The Phoenix and Kampe shifted uneasily at hearing the roar and Percy was pale and slightly shaking from the roar. What had made that sound? It sounded monstrous. Primal. Ancient. Only Perses was unaffected as he had a malicious smile on his face, an insane gleam twinkling in his changing eyes.

Boom...Boom...Boom. The Arena shook, sending dust and debris falling from the ceiling. The torches flickered slightly with each resounding boom, making the earth quake and the cavern tremble. It sounded like a giant sledgehammer was hammering away at the walls in a methodical, in tune with each other. Like a hammer indeed.

Or giant footprints.

From within the blackened entrance of the gateway, two dark crimson orbs opened, slitted eyes piercing through the darkness and right into Percy's soul. Those eyes were ancient, holding a deep wisdom and knowledge within their depths, the spark of intelligence lighting up those eyes. An exhale was heard as steam rushed out of the entranceway, obscuring everything from view. But not those eyes. Those dark red eyes could clearly be scene though the mist, glowing with ancient and potent power. They slowly crept forward into the light until, finally, the Great Draco emerged from the darkness.

Percy could only watch as this legend came into view. First came the head, bigger and wider than two family sized SUVs, slitted nostrils on the elongated maw leaking out steam and bits of fire with every breath. The elongated maw of the dragon opened, very much like a shark, he had three rows of over two hundred jagged and razor sharp teeth, each longer than Percy's entire arm.

The long neck long of the beast came with the head, corded muscles lining the throat as it glowed red and golden from the fire in could no doubt produce. The neck was long and serpentine like, snaking back and forth in a tantalizing dance, but able to move at speeds that beguiled it's size.

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