Chapter 6 ~ Deal with the Devil and First Fight

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He locked those eyes onto me and I felt like his stare was boring straight through my own, directly into my soul. The look in his eyes said it all; he was insane. Completely and utterly insane. He enjoyed the destruction of the world and would be an agent of that destruction.

"Welcome to the Arena of the Pit" He sounded pleasant, as if he were a host welcoming a new guest. His voice sounded deep and like a baritone but underneath it was an undertone of malice.

"I guess you must be wondering who I am young one. Allow me to introduce myself." He said with a mock bow.

"My name is Perses, Titan of Destruction." He said with a sadistic smile.

Oh Crap.


Percy POV

Perses, the Titan of Destruction was standing right before me, smiling like we were old time pals. If it weren't for his looming height and sadistic look in his eye, he would actually look like a big brother of sorts. A big brother that likes to hold you down and torture you with really sharp and pointy objects.

Perses waved his hands at the guards, signaling it was time for them to leave. They bowed low to the ground and left the room, closing the doors behind them. I was now alone with the massive titan who didn't even seem to consider me a threat. He just walked over to his desk and pulled out a bottle of whiskey and two shot glasses. That was when I finally got a good look of the room.

The room was massive, probably has to be considering his large size. The ceiling was fifty feet above us and depicted pictures of gruesome tortures, all painted in dark and blood red colors. The ceiling was dome shaped and massive black marble columns were along the sides, supporting the roof. There was a wooden desk off to the side that had a bunch of weird looking knick-knacks on it. There was a hellhound skull, the eyeball of a Cyclops, fangs of an Empousa, and a lot of other things floating in the jars. They seemed like trophies, really really gruesome trophies. On the other side of the room was a king size bed. Well, looks like even destructive titans need to sleep every once in a while.

Adorned along the walls were portraits of all different kinds of people. I actually recognized a few; there was Kronos with his golden eyes and soul-reaping scythe, Hyperion glowing a harsh golden fire, and Oceanus in his deep dark blue almost black armor wielding his massive serpent swords. But the biggest two pictures were of a man in black Stygian iron armor with stars shining brightly on the surface. He wore a helmet shaped like a ram's head with horns on top of it. The picture next to it was of a beautiful woman with long black hair, deep ocean blue eyes, and a tan complexion. The only thing that ruined the woman beauty was the cruel smile on her lips and the insane twinkle in her eyes. Looking at Perses and the pictures he could tell that these were his parents; Krios Titan of Stars, Constellations, and the South, and Eurybia, Goddess of the mastery of the seas.

Turning back to Perses, I saw he was looking at him expectantly.

"So, little demigod, would you like a glass? I know that you may be physically underage by a year or two, but considering how much time you spent in Tartarus, well, it will probably be the best thing you've ever drank." Perses joked as he poured two glasses of whiskey.

I just stared at this massive titan and was shocked at how he was acting, usually when titans first meet me they all shout out death threats and try to kill me. This dude was actually offering a drink.

"Umm...sure I guess." I said uneasily. I immediately tried to shadow travel out of there but it wasn't working; it felt like I was hitting a brick wall.

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