Chapter 18 ~ Righteous Fury: Godly Confrontations Part 1

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The man then raised his head, allowing the hair to be brushed aside and reveal his face to the gods. Once again, a gasp arose from the gods as they beheld the face of the demigod they never thought they would see again, the face of their savior, the face of the man they sent to Hell to Rot for eternity.

The face of Percy Jackson.

The gods reeled back in shock and fear, while the goddesses blushed at how handsome he looked. His face seemed to be made out of marble, a strong jaw, powerful cheekbones, and his mouth set into a hard line. His face seemed to be made of rock, his expression not even betraying his feeling. Then they saw his eyes. Good gods his eyes.

They swirled and pulsed with power, Sea green speckled with red and a silver ring wrapped around his slitted pupil. But unlike his face that betrayed no emotion, his eyes were another story. They were filled with such anger, rage, and unadulterated fury, the gods felt fear worm its way into their hearts. It was the look of hatred and vengeance, a look that could right though you into your soul and made you scream your heart out.

With a quivering voice, Zeus spoke. "Perseus?"

Percy snapped his gaze onto the Kind of the Gods, his glare like a knife that cut right into his soul. Disbelief and fury twisted his features into a snarl, revealing growing fangs in his mouth that made him look feral.



Third Person POV

After Percy's shocking outburst, the gods were in a state of stunned silence, staring speechless at the sight of their savior. All the goddesses felt themselves blush at how handsome he looked, feeling the heat rise to their faces as they gazed upon his chiseled body. He was always handsome before, but now his features seemed enhanced even further as if they had been carved out of stone. His body was clad in a black muscle t-shirt with black cargo pants and black combat boots that were studded with stygian iron around the toes. His muscles bulged from underneath his clothing, looking like coiled pythons ready to snap into action. Underneath his clothing, they could see the bulges of what looked like an arsenal of weapons, completing the whole warrior badass look nicely

But it wasn't only his looks that captivated the goddess's attention, no it was his overall presence that were affecting them. The aura he gave, the very air around him seemed to be tinged with a sort of danger, an animalistic predatory feeling that opposed their own and seemed to dominate their own aura, making them feel weak in the knees. It made them feel vulnerable, weak, defenseless, and…subservient.

And for some reason…they liked it! It made them feel hot, a fire spreading throughout their body making their skin tingle and setting their nerves on fire.

From the shadows, Thalia and Zoe looked on with shock at how much their friend/cousin changed. They wanted to rush forward and throw themselves into his arms, the urge to hug him was so intense. Thalia had missed her cousin terribly ever since he was banished and to now see him in the same room with her, it was all she could do to restrain herself. But that did not stop the tears that streamed down her face at seeing her cousin. Zoe wanted to also run to her only male friend, but she knew she had to restrain herself. From the look on his face, the absolute fury distorting his features that was directed at the gods, made her uneasy and she knew she had to wait to see what would happen.

The tension in the air got thickened drastically to the point where it couldn't have been sliced with a battle-axe it was so thick. Percy gazed on in complete disbelief at his surroundings, his shock quickly giving way to the raw fury that was building in his chest. He was clenching his fists so tightly, his flinched as he unconsciously felt his fingernails shift into claws and puncture his palms, red and gold speckled blood dripping onto the floor.

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