Chapter 7 ~ The Mind of a Monster

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"Well how about that folks? What did I tell you? An AMAZING performance by Perseus Jackson The Monster Shifter! I did not expect that!" Perses yelled out in glee, creating a new name for me. He looked at me with a look that said we would talk later.

"The fights from here on out will get more brutal and I can tell you, you won't want to miss it!" Perses said as he dismissed the crowd.

I shifted back into my regular form and saw that I was still covered in deep cuts from my fight. I felt weird and a little scared during my fight; not because I fought one of the most dangerous monsters in mythology but because how I fought it. I fought like a monster; sadistic and mercilessly. I actually enjoyed the suffering I brought on the Nemean Lion and I could feel myself getting sick. I swayed back and forth before I collapsed to the ground.

The last thing I saw before I drifted off into unconsciousness, were Damasen and Bob running towards me, looks of concern plastered on their faces.


Percy POV

I was standing in a hug room that was pitch black to where I couldn't see a thing. I couldn't see or hear anything. This darkness was darker than the House of Night when I had that little run in with Nyx, the primordial goddess of the night. The darkness seemed to be all encompassing, wrapping around me like sheets of lead.

I began to panic, breathing gasps of breath, feeling like the walls of the rooms were about to cave in one m. Before I could start to scream and lose what little sanity I have left, I felt the pressure decrease off my chest and retreat into the darkness. I gulped down deep breaths of air before I began to analyze the situation. I have never been as smart or as tactical as a child of Athena, but having to survive in the Pit made me develop skills that were essential to survival.

I stretched out my senses to my surroundings, trying to get a fix on where I was at and what the threat level was. I was in a dome shaped room about 30 feet high and 30 feet wide. It appeared that I was the only one in the room but it felt like my presence was...everywhere. Usually, I could sense my position in accordance with my surroundings but this time it felt like I was everywhere at once. It was very weird and creeped me out.

"Hello?" I called out and my voice seemed to bounce back and forth across the walls, magnifying it.

The room began to tremble and turn, spinning very slowly until it grinded to a halt. An explosion of light filled the chamber causing me to yell in pain as my eyes were seared with the blinding light. Letting the pain in my eyes subside, I slowly opened them to be greeted by a strange sight.

The chamber I was in was now filled with light coming from a bunch of torches lining the walls. There were dozens upon dozens of doors inside the chamber, all pulsing with a different color. I walked around the chamber, reading the labels on the doors/ Many had weird titles and they all had to do with me.

Percy's Childhood Memories, Percy's Emotions, Percy's Powers, Percy's Personality, Percy's Loyalty, the list went on and on. I suddenly felt another presence behind me. Tensing my arms in anticipation for a fight, I whirled around to be met but a shocking surprise.

The person standing before me was my height and was covered in muscles. He had strong arms, with a broad chest that led to a narrow, taper thin waist connected to strong powerful legs. His body just screamed power, strength and speed. His face was handsome and defined and looked almost feral with his oversized canines and how his face was defined. He had familiar raven black hair and sea-green eyes that held untold pain and emotions swimming in their depths. The person standing before me was ME!

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