Chapter 15 ~ Enter the Heralds

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Eric felt the cold intensify and he felt fear grip his heart as Erebus showed his rage.

"You will do no such thing! They may be weak now, but they are some of the strongest heroes ever. They survived two wars and managed to defeat my sister, Gaea. Underestimating them would be a grave mistake, one I don't plan on making like she and Kronos did." Erebus pulled back, the shadows retreating slightly, much to Eric's relief.

"Yes master. I understand. I will continue to spy and give you their secrets and strategies." He groveled.

The darkness trembled in contentment. "Good my young spy. Continue to serve me and you shall be rewarded handsomely. Are you enjoying those powers I gave you?"

In response, Eric smiled evilly and held out this hand. Water from the darkest depths of the sea, filled with evil and malice flashed into his hand., swirled in his hand.

"Good. Continue to train and you shall be strong. But a warning. The Olympians know of my trickery and may alert the campers. The must not find it is you or all could be lost." Erebus warned in a cold voice. It said, you get found out and I will kill you slowly and painfully.

Eric gulped and nodded his head vigorously. "Yes master." He turned to walk away, but Erebus's voice cut through the night.

"Also, they are trying to retrieve your brother, Percy Jackson. Be ready when he comes back." Erebus said before his presence disappeared.

Eric scowled at the mention of his brother. He hated his brother for all the achievements he did and how he hogged all the glory. It was his hatred and jealousy that allowed Erebus to fully corrupt him and manipulate his heart, mind, and soul.

"Soon brother, everyone will see I am the best son of Poseidon as I plunge my blade into your heart. For I am the Champion of Erebus and I will see the light fades from your loved one's and your eyes as darkness corrupts your souls." He said into the night.

With that final comment, he ran back to the Dining Area before he was missed. Darkness was on the horizon, but little did they know that Percy was coming back and he would be more powerful than they had ever dreamed.


Third Person POV

Again Perseus! Came the mental shout of Draco from within Percy's head.

Percy sighed for the umpteenth time that day and bit his tongue to hold back an angry retort. Concentrating, he felt his body change into that of a dragon/human hybrid.

He grew taller, legs, torso, and neck lengthening while his body and limbs thickened with corded, dense muscle. He grunted as his chest expanded, his pectoral muscles becoming layered with muscle. Thick, black scales traveled across his body, layering thickly around his hands and feet, little spines growing along his forearms and calves. His feet and hands warped until they looked like a cross between a human's and a dragon's, sharp claws extending from the digits. A long, snake-like tail with a deadly spike on the tip shot out of the end of his spine, growing five feet in length. The scaly appendage moved around like it had a mind of its own, flicking back and forth like a heavily muscles whip.

Inside his chest cavity, his heart and lung became larger, his lungs developing pores, little tendrils of smoke escaping from the small openings. The delicate tissue surrounding his organs thickened, the cells lining the membrane grow a heatproof coating that would protect them from the deadly fire that was now residing within his body. His bones grew heavier and denser, the extra padding ensuring that it would take a lot of force to even crack one of these impenetrable bones.

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