Chapter 17 ~ The Return

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I cradled it with care, almost not believing I was holding one of the people that I couldn't save, but was now alive.

"Hey Zoe. I hope you can hear me, because then I would feel really stupid to be talking to a glowing tennis ball." I chuckled a little before growing serious.

"I just wanted to say...I'm so, so sorry that you died. It was my fault you died and I never forgave myself. If only I was better, a little stronger and less foolish and blinded by my love for that daughter of Athena, you would be alive today. But here you are, resting comfortably in the palm of my hand." I said.

I ran my free hand through my hair, feeling nervous as I talked. "I can't get out of here Zoe. When Perses died, he took the secret to get out of here with him. But you can still leave and I will send you out in a little bit. But first, I want you to pass on a message," I struggled against the lump that formed in my throat, making my voice crack a little.

"Please tell Thalia, Nico, and Artemis that I miss them. That I hope to see them again and that I'm doing okay. If you see Hades and Hestia, tell them thank you for all the times they were able to send hope to me and for keeping me going. It helped a lot. I love them all and hope they keep strong. Thanks Zoe and be safe." I whispered.

The orb in my hand glowed brighter and brighter, floating out of my hand. It began to rise in the air before smashing straight into the ceiling, traveling up to the world above. I wiped a single tear from my eye, but felt happy that she was now free and alive once more.

Turning my back on the throne, I stalked out of the Arena, glad to be finally free from Perses's control. While I couldn't keep my promise to free Damasen and Bob, I could at least free them from that crazy Titan's control.

Little did I know that I would be out of the Pit sooner than I ever expected.


Third Person POV

Somewhere in the forests of northern America under a bright, moonlight night, the Hunters of Artemis were diligently setting up their campsite. Working with brisk efficiency that only comes from years and years of experience, the hunters set up there camp in record time. Usually when the immortal maidens set up the camp, they are talking, laughing, and interacting with their fellow sisters. But today, not a sound was heard as they silently set up the camp.

An air of tension seemed to plague the area, making the Hunters feel tense and uneasy, non-more so than the lieutenant, Thalia. Said daughter of Zeus had a storm of emotions brewing inside her, ranging from anxiety and restlessness to euphoria and hope. Ever since the news that her sister brought back from Olympus after that faithful meeting, her emotional state was turbulent at best.

The rest of the hunters also were in a state of apprehension, the events of Erebus's meddling and Percy's subsequent banishing did not sit well with them. Sure they didn't like males with a fiery passion, the actions of the gods and campers fueling their disgust for said population, but Percy was different from the others and had managed to earn their respect. But what would an all-powerful primordial want to meddle in the life of a single demigod? What was the point? They went through two wars within the last few years and the Lord of Darkness's stirring signaled the calm before the storm.

The tension was so thick, it wrapped around the camp like a blanket. Surveying their surroundings, the hunters all knew where the feeling of tense and uneasiness was originating from and has been for a few weeks now.

From their goddess and patron, Artemis herself.

Said goddess was sitting in her personal tent by herself, mulling over the events that has transpired in the throne room. Her silver eyes darkened as she thought of Erebus, how cold and malevolent his presence was. Her hand twitched as she thought about running him through with a silver dagger so great was her anger. It was he that was responsible for affecting her relationships with her family. It was his fault that the one man that she actually cared for and developed feelings for was rotting away in Tartarus.

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