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It's been five years since the girl group "fifth harmony" and last time she saw the green eyed girl. Dinah, Normani, Ally and Camila were all in the car own their way to a certain someone's house warming party. Camila had no idea who's house they were going to all she knew what that someone had moved into a new house with their new family.

Camila looked up at the bright green tress just outside her window and noticed Nicely fresh cut grass. Camila looked at the house that they just stopped in front off and quickly got out the car. There was a big black gate with the letters.  K-J printed of the gate. Camila raised her eyebrows but was soon pulled by soft hands.

Camila being herself almost tripped over her on feet but luckily Dinah was near her and helped her back on her feet. Ally rang the doorbell and all you could hear was ruffles and laughter coming from the other side of the door.

The door swung open revealing a girl with curly blonde hair and a big bright smile. And it was no longer than the pop singer herself Tori Kelly.

"Welcome girls come on in" Tori beamed and stepped aside to let the four girls walk inside

On the inside of the house there was a big chandelier hanging from the ceiling. Two big black steps on either side of the house. The house had a brown and cream theme and with a hint of white crystals. Camila's eyes caught a picture of Lauren and Tori and a little girl with blonde hair. Camila was so confused at the moment.

Camila was so focused on the picture she didn't even notice the rest of the girls leaving the spot and walking into a room that seemed to be the living room. On the right was a living room and on the left was the kitchen.

"You have a very beautiful home" ally spoke and earning a few nobs front the others.

"MOMMY" a voice yelled from upstairs

The four girls all looked at each other than over to Tori but Tori just smiled and laughed.

"I'm down here bug" Tori called up and soon heard a pair of small feet going down the stairs.

All you seen was a little girl with long blonde her and green eyes come rushing in the room. The little girl noticed the girls standing in the room so she made her way over to them. Dinah was the first to reach the littles ones height.

"Hi little one I'm Dinah and this is Ally Normani and Camila" Dinah said and pointed out the girls.

"I'm Laura" she smiled and hugged Dinah tightly.

The other two girls bent down to give the Laura a hug but Camila was still so very confused.

"Tori you have a very beautiful girl" Normani said and picked up Laura.

"And her eyes are so beautiful but you don't have green eyes" Camila said and earned a laugh from the other girls.

"Oh that's because she has eyes like her mom" Tori giggled.

"Speaking of her where is she" Dinah asked and took Laura from Normani.

"Momma" Laura screech and wiggled out of Dinah's hold and ran to the front door with the girls following behind.

"Hi baby girl" Lauren said and picked up the little girl and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

And that's when everything clicked for Camila.

Lauren gave Tori a kiss on the lips and smiled at the four girls in front of her. Lauren put down Laura and gave the girls a big hug..

It's only been five years

"I missed you so much laur" Dinah cried.

"You haven't changed not one bit Jauregui" Normani said as she pulled away from the hug

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