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It was all a dream. Wait screw that it wasn't a dream it was more like a nightmare that could possibly become real. Because the shit honestly felt real could a dream even feel that real if so it should be illegal for almost scaring someone like that.

Lauren jolted up from out of her bed with sweat dripping down her body. Lauren felt hands wrap around her arm so she looked down and jumped out of the bed.

"I can't do this anymore" was all that Lauren said before grabbing her stuff and leaving the hotel room.

Lauren made her way towards the hotel that she was in search for. Even though it was like four in the morning, the dream that Lauren just had felt so real, she didn't if wanna know what it would feel like if the dream was actually real.

Lauren gently knocked on the door hoping that someone would open the door up. Lauren heard tiny feet hit the floor and a hand struggling to reach the doorknob but they successfully opened the door up.

"Laura where is mommy? Lauren asked and Laura pointed to the bed. Laura opened the door all the way so that Lauren could walk in.

Lauren closed the door behind her and walked towards a sleeping peaceful Tori. Laura crawled in the bed before Lauren so Lauren wrapped her arm around both girls.

Once Lauren's face hit the pillow, sleep took over her body. The room was silence for a few minutes before Someone's phone started ringing. Tori being the light sleeper she is, Tori grabbed her phone from off the nightstand but it wasn't her phone so she looked around for the ringing device.

Tori didn't cheek to see who was calling since she was still half asleep answered the phone and let the other person on the other end talk.

"I don't know how to say this Lauren but I'm pregnant"

Tori smiled for the other person on the line but what the next part wasn't as exciting.

"And it's your baby we are having a baby Lo aren't you excited?"

The phone slide through Tori's hand hitting the floor. When Tori looked down the Caller ID had read My Camz. And Tori knew that name from anywhere.

Tori just stood there, frozen, betrayed, shocked and may other emotions. Tori turned her head and looked over at a sleeping Lauren.

And it wasn't a dream.

Tori knew what she had to do so she began to pack all of her stuff quietly so she wouldn't wake up Lauren or Laura. Even if it required Tori to miss the rest of her daughters birthday trip she couldn't be around Lauren at the moment.

Before Tori had fully walked away from a the girl that she thought she loved or at least loved her, she looked back at them. They seemed so peacefully but once they both wake up its not so peaceful anymore, it's like sleep is the only thing peaceful in their life.

The door had closed behind Tori and she was never to be seen. As Tori walked threw the quiet halls of the hotel she thought a lot about her relationship with Lauren like if, their marriage was a mistake or did she ever even love Tori, maybe she still had feels for Camila but couldn't express them because of what Camila had done to Lauren.

But why would she take her back after Camila cheated, but it's ok for Lauren to do it to Tori right?

How long was this going on and why was Tori so blind to see it. Oh maybe it's because she was so deep in love with those green eyes she's didn't even realize her marriage was falling apart.

Tori didn't know where she was going all she knew was that she didn't want to be around any of them at the moment, she need space, time alone thinking about all this, and hopefully they don't come looking for her.

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