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It's been two days since Lauren has seen her family and today was the day that the girls were coming home. Lauren had to make sure that Laura and Tori's gifts were in place.

Sadly for Tori her gift was big so Lauren had to change the front doors locks and put up a sign for her to enter in the back which was going to lead them in for a treat.

Lauren waited in the backyard for Laura and Tori but Lauren had heard Laura's laugh coming from the front and it got closer and closer to her.

"Lauren what's go-" Tori was cut off by high pitched screams.


Lauren smiled and walked over towards Laura and picked her up. Tori was confused but Lauren gave her a look and she still didn't understand.

"Laura Mama has a surprise for you go open those boxes over there" Lauren smiled

Laura wiggled out of Lauren grip and ran over to the boxes and began to tear them open. Laura screamed once again but wasn't getting the picture.

"I got Minnie uggs and snow looking uggs" Laura giggled.

Laura paused for a moment and raised her eyebrows she turned around and looked at Lauren and her eyes grew big.


Lauren nodded and Laura ran over towards her and hugged her legs. Tori looked around and laughed because she herself didn't understand what was going on.

"When are we going I wanna go now let's go pack right now" Laura grabbed both of her parents hands but Lauren had to stop Laura because of Tori's present.

Lauren grabbed Tori and covered her eyes and lead her into the house.

"Lauren what's going on?"

"You'll see"

"Are you taking me to your hidden room and secretly going to cut up my body and feed me to your wolf pack?"

"Victoria Loren I said you'll see"

Lauren stopped walked and she had to look down at Laura to silences her before she said a word.

"Keep your eyes closed understand Loren?"

"Yes I understand Michelle"

Lauren let her hands fall to her side. She picked up Laura and walked over towards the shiny piano.

"Ok you can now open your eyes"

Tori opened her eyes and screamed. Tori looked over at Lauren to make sure she wasn't dreaming. Lauren had to put Laura down because she knew what was coming next. Tori rushed over to Lauren and jumped on her giving her a loving kiss on the lips.

Tori untangled herself from around Lauren and went over towards the piano. Tori ran her fingers along the edges and smiled.

"Lauren you didn't have to do this" Tori turned around

"But I wanted to do it a piano this special needed to be played by a very special person" Lauren cooed

Tori sat down on the bench that was placed in front of the keys. She ran her fingers across the board thinking of a song she could play.

Tori played the melody of halo by Beyoncé. Once tori started playing the key she got really into the song and began to sing.

Remember those walls I built?
Well, baby they're tumbling down
And they didn't even put up a fight
They didn't even make a sound
I found a way to let you in
But, I never really had a doubt
Standing in the light of your halo
I got my angel now

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