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The next ride that everybody wanted to get on was the tower of tear. Most people wanted to get on that ride others started threatening others if they made them ride it.

"Y'all got my fucked all the way up if y'all think I'm getting on that" Dinah said and was about to walk away but Tori pulled her back.

"Are you really gonna have little kids show you up?" Tori laughed.

"Yes I'm not about to ride on that dawg" Dinah said and looked up at the ride.

"It only takes you up and drops you a couple of times it's nothing scary about the ride" Tori tried to convince Dinah but it wasn't working.

"If I get on this ride you have to buy me three of my favorite foods while we are here" Dinah put out her hand for Tori to shake.

Tori rolled her eyes and shook Dinah's hand. The line was moving quickly and Dinah become nervous each time they moved up.

"Ok everybody group photo" Kendall called for everyone to get together.

The little kids were up on their parents shoulders holding out the number five and making silly faces. 

The group of people made their way into the spooky looking hotel elevator and Dinah started freaking out. They couldn't even make it to the part where they told the story without Dinah screaming.

People were giving them weird looks and little kids where giggling at Dinah, but Dinah didn't care, all she cared about was herself.

As Tori turned her head she saw Lauren walking over towards her. A pretty white smile was planted on Lauren's face, Tori didn't know what Lauren was up to but she was going to find out later.

Lauren grabbed Tori's chin and pulled her lips on hers. Tori smiled into the kiss and Lauren pulled away.

"I have a surprise for you later on" Lauren whispered.

Tori was about to question Lauren but it was their turn to be seated inside the elevator. Tori wanted to sit in the very first row with Laura, faith, Grace and Normani while the other sat behind them or in the row across from them.

They took them along the ride and played a video in front of them as they traveled towards the front of the hotel room.

" one stormy night long ago, five people stepped through the door of an elevator and into a nightmare. That door is opening once again, and this time it's opening for you."

The screen that was in front of them went off the whole room went black.

"Oh shit not today please not today" Dinah whimpered

The ride suddenly dropped them, screams were being heard and cries bye Dinah. It took them up in the air and the doors opened and they all made a funny face but it dropped them again, randomizing each time.

When the ride was over Dinah was in tears. Normani and Lauren had to help her walk because she was crying and shaking.

The rest of the day was filled with laughing children, pictures and shopping. But they all headed back to the hotel wanting to visit park by park, day by day.

But now they were all in their own hotel rooms getting ready for Laura's birthday dinner and her surprise party

But other things were on Tori's mind. What Lauren had told her earlier had haunted her for the rest of they day. Yeah what she told her was some what good news but she wanted to know what her surprise was.

All thoughts and wonders were cut short by a knock on Tori's hotel door. They people on the other side of the door didn't give Tori a chance to open the door completely they just pushed open the door and entered at their on risk.

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