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*Ring Ring*

Lauren groaned

*ring ring*

Lauren had enough, Lauren shot up from the bed and reached over to Tori's side of the bed and grabbed her phone.

"Hello" Lauren said with a hit of irritation

"Good morning to you to Lauren"

"Oh Scooter hi" Lauren said and bit her bottom lip

"Hello Lauren is tori around"

"Umm she's somewhere let me check" Lauren rolled out of bed and called for a wife's name but didn't  get a response so she checked all the rooms and still no sign. Lauren shook her head and walked towards the studio and opened the door.

"If I were a boy" Tori sang with a another voice.

"I think I could understand" the voice sang and Lauren knew that voice for anywhere.

"Yeah that's good Dinah you got it wanna run over it ag-"

"Oh hi Ralph" Dinah said over FaceTime.

Tori turned her chair around and smiled at her wife and put her guitar down. Lauren handed Tori the phone and Tori raised her eyebrow.

"Hello" Tori said

"Ms Victoria we have some business to discuss, as you may know that your break is coming to a end, we need you in the studio making new music as soon as possible" scooter said through the phone and Tori looked over at Lauren

"You have two interviews next week and a show we will just have you sing a old song until then scooter out" with that he hung up.

Tori sat back down in her chair and shook her head. Tori turned her head over to Dinah and smiled.

"Dinah I need you over he-" Tori didn't finish her sentence because Dinah said ok and hung up

Tori grabbed her notepad And grabbed her acoustic guitar and set up the control panel. The door swung open and Tori looked behind her and smiled. She didn't care how Dinah got in but she was glad she was here. Tori and Dinah pushed Lauren out the room and quickly locked the door.

"Let's write a song" Dinah cooed


Meanwhile Lauren was sitting in the kitchen having herself a glass of wine and reading a book until a pair of soft feet came walking into the kitchen. Laura looked up at Lauren and had her stuffed simba in her hand. It looked like she had just woke up from a nap because she was rubbing at her green eyes.

"Momma Can I have some apple juice with peanut butter and jelly sandwich please" she asked tiredly

"Yes you can mija" Lauren spoke and got up from where she was sitting and over to the refrigerator and got the ingredient for the peanut butter jelly. Laura opened the refrigerator door and grabbed her apple juice and sat down in a chair and smiled. Lauren cut sandwich into four sections and placed the princess plate in front of her daughter.

"Here you go mija" Lauren smiled

"Gracias Mamá" Laura said and ate at her sandwich

Laura placed her simba in front of her and grabbed one of her sandwiches put it up to Simba's mouth. Lauren giggled at Laura and Laura smiled.

"Momma and I'm going to have a brother or sister one day" Laura asked and put her straw through the hole in her Juice box.

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