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Meanwhile Lauren watched the kids scream and play in the crystal blue ocean. She was the only adult watching the kids not nothing where the others had gone off to.

When they first got to the beach Dinah, Normnai her dad an Troy also Noah were down at the beach but they left not telling why they were leaving.

"Hey babe" Tori smiled an kissed Lauren on the cheek.

"Where have y'all been?" Lauren asked without making eye contact with anyone of the people who had just appeared from behind Tori.

"We've been busy an that's all we are saying" Dinah said from far away

"Ally can I talk to you for a second?" Lauren stood up an walked away from the group of people.

"Yeah Lauren what's up?"

"Has Tori told you anything lately?" Lauren said trying to get straight to the point.

"No why do you ask?"

"She's been acting weird since we got here like sick an stuff" Lauren huffed

"You don't think she's pregnant do you?"

"Kinda no I mean Laura said something about it an her an Tori haven't been getting along since we got here I guess Laura been thinking she's pregnant with a boy" Lauren told ally truthfully

"I mean if she was pregnant I'm pretty sure you'd be the first to know I hope but if I hear anything I'll let you know" ally smiled an rubbed at Lauren's shoulder before walking away.

Lauren sighed an walked towards the group of kids an family an decided to enjoy herself since it was her weekend to have fun an not worry about anything. 

After three hours of drinking an playing they all decided that it was time to go an give Lauren her surprise birthday dinner for tonight. Dinah an Normnai were leading Lauren towards the room that held a ton of people an food with live music.

"Can I look now?"

"No Lauren we are almost there just calm down"

"You said that like five minutes ago mani"

Dinah knocked on the double doors as a signal that they had just arrived. Dinah waited for the other knock on the other side of the door to indicate that they were ready. As the doors open dinah took her hands off of Lauren's eyes. As Lauren walked in the big crowd of people yelled surprise an cheered for the green eyed girl.

"Happy Birthday Lauren" Normani cheered.

Lauren smiled an looked around the room. There were tons of balloons an food. Lauren made her way over to her family an pulled them into a big hug.

"Who's idea was this, this is beautiful" Lauren giggled

The family pointed over towards Tori but Tori was talking to Lauren's other family members. Lauren excused herself an walked over towards the hazel eyed beauty. She wrapped her arms around her torso an kissed the side of her head.

"Thank you for the beautiful party the set up is amazing I just love it all Victoria" Lauren told Tori truthfully.

"You are very welcome my love now go have fun it's your night" Tori smiled

After many hours of drinking an dancing the party started to come alive. People were dancing on tables, chairs an many other weird things. Clara and mike ended up showing a slide show of Lauren like they do every year she has a birthday. Camila ended up being in some photos an it kinda got Lauren thinking. So when the slide show was over she made her way towards Camila and smiled right when they made eye contact.

Both girls were highly drunk but who gave a damn. Lauren sat down next to Camila since Camila was at the bar.

"You look pretty tonight" Lauren said

"You don't look too bad yourself" Camila told

"Dance with me Camila"

There was a long pause between both girls. Camila took a big sip of her drink before turning an facing Lauren. She looked in Lauren's eyes an instantly smirked.

"Someone could see us Jauregui"

"Then let's get out of here an finish some unfinished business" Lauren grabbed Camila's hand an ran towards the door. Lauren an Camila both ran towards Lauren's hotel room.

Camila turned Lauren around an pressed their lips together. Lauren tried her best to get the door unlocked with the room key an once she did she pulled Camila's hand an lead them towards the bed. Lauren unzipped Camila's dress an admired the girls body.

Lauren bit her bottom lip an pulled Camila on top of her. Camila began to take off Lauren's clothes and kiss on her neck but pulled away.

"Are you sure about this?"

"I've never been so sure"

Lauren flipped Camila over so that she was now on top of the brown eyed girl. Lauren looked deep inside of Camila's eyes before she began to leave opened mouth kisses down her neck.

"Lauren I missed this so much" Camila moaned.

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