Wedding final

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6 hours 36 minutes and 20 seconds until the wedding.

Today is the day, the big day that Shawn Paul Raul Mendes and Karla Camila Cabello Estrabo are finally getting married. The bride and groom were sitting down calling and making sure that everyone who had traveled were all in place and were attending the wedding today. Camila also called on people to come in and help set up the finishing touches for the wedding.

"Did my parents say that they are on their way?" Shawn had asked a very angry Camila which wasn't the best idea.

"I don't fucking know Shawn why don't you call them and ask I called my people" Camila tried not to scream.

"Ok I'm sorry babe I love you soon to be Mrs.Mendes" Shawn smiled and kissed Camila on the lips and Camila returned the favor.

"I'm sorry honey we don't have to get ready for another two more hours wedding stats at four sharp" Camila said

"You hear that babies wedding starts at four sharp so no interruptions got it" Shawn cooed at Camila stomach causing Camila to laugh

"Ok I'm going to go take a quick nap and I won't be seeing you until the wedding my love" Camila pouted.

"Give me a kiss upon the lips before you go my love" Shawn smiled.

"I think I'm going to go take my nap now" Camila faked smile but Shawn frowned. Camila had no idea how she was going to tell Shawn that the baby wasn't he's or that she didn't wanna really marry him because she still has deep feelings for Lauren.

"Ok I guess I'll see yo-" Shawn was cut off by a closing door which happened to be Camila walking out the door.


"Mama is mommy going to be at the wedding today I hope she is I miss her so much it's been like five months" Laura dramatically said

"Honestly babe I don't think mommy is going to the wedding I'm sorry" Lauren truthfully told.

"Wow I can't believe you" Laura said and turned around to face Lauren.

"What do you mean Laura?" Lauren asked.

"You did this you caused all of this didn't you it was never mommy it was all you" Laura stood up and pointed her finger at Lauren.

"Baby girl I thought you were starting to like cam-"

"Starting to like Camila I never liked Camila remember you taught me how to like a person even if I don't really like them" Laura said as the memory came to mind.

"Ok I think we need to-"

"No we don't need to talk abo-"

"LAURA LOREN KELLY-JAUREGUI CALM THE FUCK DOWN" Lauren was now the one standing up and yelling. Laura jumped a little when Lauren started yelling and Lauren could've swore she saw a tear roll down Laura's face. Lauren has never yelled Laura's full name like that ever and it kinda felt weird to do. Tori was always to one to help clam down Lauren before she could yell and since Tori isn't here Lauren had let it all out completely.


Once those words left Lauren's mouth, Laura looked down at her feet, tears began to roll down Laura's face. But all that hurt soon turned into angry. Laura looked up at Lauren and yelled.

"I HATE YOU AND I DON'T WANT ANYTHING TO DO WITH YOU EVER AGAIN" Laura ran up to her room but as Lauren was running after her the doorbell had rung signaling that someone was at the door.

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