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Today was all about Karla Camila Cabello soon to be Mendes. Today is the big reveal party and Camila couldn't be anymore happier. Camila was going to be surrounded by the people she loves and showered with gifts oh yeah today was going to be good.

Or that's what she thought..

Meanwhile in the household of the Kordei/Hansen house they all were getting ready for this so called revel party when they all knew what the gender of the baby was because Camila couldn't keep her mouth shut for five seconds without telling them all what the gender was.

Camila rules for the revel was that you had to wear your color that you think the baby is. So Laura, Dinah wore pink and Normnai and Naomi wore blue, and they decided to make some cupcakes for the little revel party this morning.

"Laura and Namoi lets go we don't wanna be late" Dinah hollered up the stairs for the little ones to hurry up.

"Hang on I can't find my other shoe" Namoi yelled down.

Laura came running down the stairs in her pink tutu and her pink "I'm going to be a big sister" shirt that Camila wanted her to wear. 

"Don't you look cute" Dinah smiled

"Duh don't I always look cute" Laura said and flipped her hair and strutted out the door.

Dinah shook her head at the smaller girl for acting so much like her when she was little. Heck till this every day Dinah still acts like that. I guess that's what you get when you spend every second every minute and hour of your life with Dinah Jane.

Namoi came running down the stairs with her shoes untied and nearly fell on her face. Luckily for her Dinah caught her before anything could happen. Dinah bent down and help Namoi tie her shoes since Namoi obviously couldn't get the job done.

"Namoi help me with the cupcakes please and be careful as you are carrying them" Dinah half smiled and handed Namoi the tray of cupcakes.

Dinah followed close behind Naomi so that she didn't end up tripping and ruining all the cupcakes she put hard work on all morning. Once both girls were settled in the car, Normani pulled out the drive way and headed to Camila and Shawn's house.

"So Laura are you excited about being a big sister?" Normani had asked Laura.

"Yeah I guess" Laura shrugged.

"Would it have made you happier if Tori was having the baby and not Camila" Dinah also asked

"It doesn't matter because they are both having babies" Laura said


"You guys didn't know that my mommy was pregnant I thought she told you guys" Laura smirk

"She told me" Normani shrugged.

"Wait so you knew she was pregnant but didn't tell me" Dinah said in a offended tone

"Yep pretty much" Normani smiled

"Wait what is she having a boy or a girl?" Naomi asked

"I don't know I think she said a boy but I'm not sure"

Moments later the car was being parked right outside of the Mendes household. There were a lot of cars outside the house most of the cars being Camila's family members. The girls rounded out the car and grabbed what they needed to grab before walking inside the large house.

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