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The next morning everyone in the house was still sound sleep. But expect for one little creature. Laura came into her parents room and jumped on the big grey bed.

"Mommy wake up it's time for breakfast" Laura said into Tori's ear but Tori didn't bother to move. Laura jumped on Lauren and shook her to wake up "Momma it's time to wake ya booty up" Laura said into Lauren's ear and Lauren groaned.

Lauren rubbed her eyes and saw big green eyes looking right at her. Lauren almost had a heart attack but smiled once she noticed who it was.

"Wake up ya sleepy head it's time to eat bacon and yummy princess pancakes" Laura smiled

Lauren sat up and looked over at a still sleeping Tori. Lauren shook her head and looked at Laura.

"Love why don't you wake up auntie Dinah and the other girls yeah" Lauren asked and Laura nodded her head and ran out of the room and closed the door behind her.

Lauren crawled on Tori's back and started kissing her neck.

"Babe it's time to wake up" Lauren's husky voice said

Tori didn't move

Lauren moved Tori's hair out the way and kissed her on the neck once more.

"Victoria" Lauren husked

Tori moved around a little bit but soon fell right back to sleep.

"Victoria Loren I know you hear me" Tori groaned and Lauren tickled her

"La-urree-en ssss-tooop it rrr-igh now" Tori said in between laughs.

Tori pushed Lauren off the bed and Lauren hit her head on the floor.

"Oh my god Lauren" Tori stormed out the bed and over to Lauren. "Are yo-" tori was cut off by a soft kiss that was planted on her lips. Lauren moved Tori on her lap so that the blonde haired girl was straddling her waist. Lauren moved her hands to rest on Tori's hips and began to move her hips up and down.

"Lauren not right now" Tori tried to say and hold back a moan.

"Shh" was all that Lauren could say and room was now filled with moans and whimpers Lauren sucked on Tori's neck knowing that she would leave a mark. Tori bit her bottom lip and the fricken that she felt coming from Lauren's shorts.

"Ahh Lauren" Tori moaned.

Knock knock.

Both girls jumped and Tori jumped off Lauren causing her to hit her toe on the edge of the bed

"Awe ffff-uuuc-kkk" Tori screamed out in pain.

"Lauren open this damn door right now" a voice said from behind the door. Lauren looked over at Tori and Tori gave her the ok to open the door. Tori hopped on one foot into the bathroom and closed the door.

Lauren opened the door and saw Dinah Normani Ally and Camila standing outside her door Dinah and the girls pushed passed Lauren and sat down on the fluffy rug. Lauren was about to close the door but in comes a angry Laura.

Tori came out the bathroom and saw the girls and an angry Laura she was about to close the door but Lauren called her out. Tori slowly walked out of the bathroom and over to the bed.

"I come in here and wake you guys up but you didn't listen to me" Laura pouted and sat down in Dinah's lap

"Ok why are all you guys so mad" Lauren asked

"We all are still waiting for the two of you to make your way downstairs because a girl gotta eat" Dinah nearly screamed.

"You guys could've ate without us" Tori said but refused to make eye contact with the angry girls.

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