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Lauren an Camila were still sleeping until the door knob began to Jiggle an that's why a rush of nervous hit Lauren. Lauren shook Camila awake an once Camila shot up Lauren pointed over to the door and Camila's eyes grew wide. She quickly pulled the covers off of her body and grabbed for her clothes.

Lauren on the other hand was panicking. She looked around the hotel room for something but then she got an idea. She ran inside the bathroom an shut the door behind her an turned on the shower to make it look like she was showering.

An she prayed to God that nobody would see Camila.

"Oh my gosh Dinah" Tori giggled

Lauren turned off the shower an wrapped a towel around her body before she walked out of the bathroom. Lauren took the time to admire both Dinah and Tori

An man did they look like they had a rough night. Their dresses were on backwards hair all over the place makeup smeared.

Tori sat on the bed an took off her heels but her smiled faded once she noticed a rubbery object on the floor. Tori looked up at Dinah before she bent over an picked up the object. Tori just stared at the object she was holding.

"I know I didn't use this last night" Tori said then looked up at Lauren. Lauren shut her eyes an didn't open them.

"Dinah I'll see you in umm twenty minutes meet me down in the lobby yeah" Tori smiled an walked Dinah to the door.

Once Dinah was out of sight Tori turned around an raised her eyebrow at Lauren waiting for her to explain.

"It's not what it looks like I can explain" Lauren said

Tori crossed her arms over her chest waiting for an explanation.

"I was drunk an I was so horny I couldn't help it so I pleasured myself I didn't want to get everything on the bed so I used a condom" Lauren tried to sound convincing

Tori looked like she wasn't having the idea but she just nodded her head an walked over to her suitcase an picked out an outfit for the plane ride.

"Where are you going so soon?" Lauren asked

"I told you that I had to leave early"

"No you didn't Tori now where are you going?"

"I'm leaving I have music career to do Lauren"

"You are always leaving without me knowing"

"Maybe if you listened to me you'd know when I'm leaving, an have you forgotten how the music industry works Lauren?"

"Um no I was in it for quite some time"

"Then you should understand"

"You never are here with us anymore"

"Lauren I told you after Laura I needed to be on the rode a lot more"

"You can take more time off like I'm doing"

"Yeah an were as that got you, you said that you'd work on your solo career an what are you doing sitting around home doing nothing"

"I'm still trying to find myself Victoria"

"Bull crap"

"Bull crap?"

"Yeah just like this marriage"

That surely shut Lauren up. Tori looked at the time an groaned. She grabbed all her suit cases an headed towards the door. Tori opened the door an slammed the door shut behind her.

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