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Tori needed to know why Laura was giving Lauren the silent treatment. Neither of them wanted to confesses so Tori had dialed Dinah's number and hoped that she would know.

"Hey Dinah sorry to call and bother but I need to ask you a quick question"

"Oh no you are fine what's up curly fries?"

"Laura has been giving Lauren the silent treatment every since Camila's bridal shower do you know why?"

There was a long pause on the other end of the phone, so Tori had thought that Dinah must've hung up but she was still on the other end because she could hear her breathing.

"I don't think it's any of my business to tell you Tori but keeping asking Laura or bring it up around Camila and Lauren"

"Ok Dinah what is going on between those three I'm tired of the secret telling"

"Tori I'm not tel-"

"Why not something is going on between Camila and Laur-"

"Who are you talking to" a voice had scared Tori.

Tori turned around and was faced with an angry looking Lauren. Lauren tried to see who Tori was on the phone with but Tori moved out the way.

"Leave me alone Lauren" Tori said and pushed pasted Lauren but Lauren grabbed onto Tori's free arm.

Tori looked down at Lauren's hand than back up at Lauren. Tori was holding in so many tears that wanted to desperately fall. The way Lauren was grabbing onto her was causing Tori's arm to be in pain.

"Lauren let go please you are hurting my arm" Tori pleaded.

"Who the hell are you talking to Victoria" Lauren asked with a hit of angry

"Why do you need to know who I'm talking to?" Tori asked

"Because I do" Lauren spat

Tori was moving her arm but tears rolled down her face as she continued to free herself from Lauren's grip.

"It's not like any of this concerns you so let me go please" Tori nearly cried out

Lauren grabbed Tori's phone and checked who was on the other end. When she saw Dinah's name Lauren ended the call and threw the phone across the room.

"Why are you so angry?"

"You don't have the right to ask me why I'm so angry"

"Like you don't have the right to ask me who I'm on the phone with and throw my phone across the room"

Tori and Lauren kept going at it until a little person walked into the kitchen and up to her parents. They didn't notice Laura so Laura climbed up on the kitchen counter and pulled Lauren's hair.

"Stop yelling right now" Laura demanded.

"Who are you talking to?" Lauren asked

"Clearly you stop yelling at her I'm not going to have you ruin my birthday oh and remember that little secret?" Laura smirked

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