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It was a long and busy day for the four girls. Once the plane had landed they were greeted by loud screaming fans. Most of the fans were crying because they had finally saw them in person for the first time. But once they all saw Dinah the crowd got extremely loud.



Tori an Dinah shook their heads at the energetic fans. They made their way over to the group of fans an took pictures an signed a few of their objects.

"Hey guys I have a couple friends who have gifts for you all" Tori smiled an called for both Laura an Namoi.

Laura an Naomi ran to the fans an handed them free t-shirts a tickets for tonight's show.

"Thank you Tori may we take pictures with the girls?"

Tori and Dinah nodded a motioned for the two little ones to take pictures with the fans. Once all the fans seemed satisfied they thanked Tori and Dinah an the four of them went on their way.

Tori an Dinah always traveled together since they both help each other write an produce music they figured that they travel an work together. An not only did they make music together Dinah wanted to advertise her dance studio an find amazing dancers along the way. Dinah also got many different locations for the dance studio since she's always on the road.

Once the girls had pulled up to the venue. They saw the one an only Kendall Jenner waiting outside the double doors. Tori an Dinah looked at each other an shrugged. What caught Kendall's attention was the car doors closing an she walked up to the group.

"Tori Kelly it's finally nice to see you" Kendall smiled a held out her hand for Tori. Tori Kindly took the gesture an shook her hand back. "If you don't mind I'd like to ask a few questions?"

Tori nodded an waited for Kendall to asked her the few questions that needed to be answered.

"I saw a few pictures of Laura on you an Lauren's Twitter account an she is beautiful for a four almost five year old correct?"

Tori nodded

"My team an I were wondering if Laura would like a contract for the K & J modeling agency but it's up to you and Lauren"

Tori looked down at a smiling sparkling eyed Laura. Tori looked up at Kendall than over at Dinah who looked like she was about to scream an cheer for the little one. Tori bent down so that she was Laura's height an looked her in the eye.

"Do you wann-"

"Yes Yes Yes I would love to please mommy please can I do it please" Laura begged.

Tori stood up an faced Kendall who was smiling real big.

"Where do I sign" Tori giggled an earned cheers an Hugs

"I knew you'll say yes thank you Kendall" Dinah said an hugged a happy Kendall

"This was your idea why am I I'm not surprised" Tori laughed.

Tori signed some paper work an handed them to Kendall. Kendall took Laura inside the building which surprising had a photoshoot room right across the hall from Tori's dressing room.

Tori Dinah an Namoi got situated in the room that hair and makeup would be taking place in. But in the meantime the girls had order some in an out. Which of course it being Tori's choice of food. As the finished the delightful food. The girls danced around the room until it was time for Tori to get ready.

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