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Tori and Laura had successfully completed their journey of shopping for the day. Both girls walked inside the house. The girls spent the whole night on shopping and eating random foods.

"it's getting late I'll take your bags and pack some off the stuff you brought ok" Tori smiled and bent down to give Laura a kiss on her cheek.

Tori walked inside the kitchen and sat the bags down on the countertop. A bottle of wine had hit the floor. Tori was confused on why the bottle was there but Lauren must've had a few glasses before her flight.

It took Tori a few minutes to clean off the red liquid up because of the flooring. Luckily it wasn't on carpet.
Once the floor was spotless Tori grabbed all the bags and made her way up the steps.

Lucky for Tori her bedroom door was closed so she had to drop a few bags to open her bedroom door. And man did she regret opening the two doors.

Tori was hit with a smell an awful smell. Tori looked for a bottle of her perfume but was met with something else. Tori noticed a bright pink thong on her side of the bed. Her favorite jersey on the floor and two glasses of unfinished wine on Lauren's nightstand.

"What the heck" Tori whispered to herself because she knew for a fact that she doesn't wear bright ass pink thongs nor was she here to wear the jersey or here to have a glass of wine with her wife.

Tori shook it off and thought as Lauren was packing she must've accidentally left some of Tori's stuff out and Dinah must've come over and had a bottle of wine with Lauren.

Tori changed into some of her pajamas and laid down but a piece of brown looking hair was all over her pillow. So Tori flipped the pillow over and moved over towards Lauren side of the bed.

But only if Tori honestly knew the truth on what's going on.


Today is the day that Laura Loren Kelly-Jauregui turned five years old but in others eyes the little girl was thirteen. The five year old didn't act like her age at all. She sassed people, said big words that she wasn't even taught to say. She may have looked innocent but those green eyes told a different story.

Lauren and Tori's parents were all downstairs waiting for the other two to come downstairs. Chris, Taylor and Noah and all the others said that they would meet them there.

Tori walked inside Laura's room and saw that she was zipping up her suitcase. Laura looked up and smiled her her mom.

"Happy birthday love bug" Tori smiled and hugged Laura.

"Thank you mommy" Laura beamed and grabbed her suitcases.

When the girls walked downstairs Laura got all excited because today she would be able to see all her favorite Disney characters.

"Happy birthday Laura" they all said in unison.

Laura smiled and hugged each and everyone of them. Laura called for mocha. And mocha came running towards her.

"Mommy can mocha come with us please" Laura begged

Green eyes met hazel ones. Tori was going to say no but it was her birthday so she couldn't.

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