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Clara and Ally were in the kitchen at four in the making breakfast for the family that had stayed the night. Last night had got pretty wild. People had gotten drunk broke a few lamps, there were holes in the wall their family pictures had been knocked down.

Clara and ally were the only ones that didn't have a drink from the previous night. They had checked up on the kids every so often, but they had to make sure that adults that were drinking didn't get out of line.

But they had failed to keep all of them in check.

The food was halfway done so ally went to go wake up the kids but only one out of the four had woken up which happen to be grace, Grace tried to wake up her twin sister an the rest of the girls, but they weren't having it.

So grace helped wake up Dinah and Normani but only one of them woke up. Which happened to be Normani. So the three traveled to Lauren and Tori's room, but the door was locked for some reason.

Luckily for them you could unlock it from both inside an outside so ally went off somewhere, an when she came back she had a key in her hand which led to them success. The door slowly opened an ally cheered for herself in her head silently.

Ally pushed open the door open so that she could make her way inside the room. Normani had cover up her laugh because she couldn't take the sight seriously.

Lauren had handcuffs around her hands, her hair was all over the place with a pizza sleeping mask around her eyes.

Tori was cuddled up with a pizza emoji pillow with a matching onesie to go with it.

Ally looked behind her and gave them the cue to help wake them up. Ally and grace took Lauren so that left Mani with Tori. They shook the couple but only managed to get Lauren up. They helped Lauren with the handcuffs an Lauren was fine from there.

"Why the hell am I up at four in the damn morning" Lauren asked with anger in her voice.

"Just get up and put on comfortable clothes" ally had told but Lauren wanted her to answer the question.

"Answer my damn question" Lauren asked

"My kid is in the room watch that mouth of yours or I'll be washing it out with soap" ally sassed and walked off.

"Happy birthday Lauren" grace smiled an ran off to find her mom

Lauren groaned and rubbed at her throbbing head. Lauren looked up at Normani and shook her head.

Normani was able to help Lauren get in the shower and find her so clothes to wear. Clara came up and made sure that everyone was ok, an she had took Lauren downstairs for breakfast.

In the mean time Normani was trying to wake up Tori but she wasn't successful. Until she got an idea.

"Who wants the last slice of pepper-"

"I do I want the slice" Tori said rather quickly. She looked around for the pizza but she had realize that there wasn't any. "Where is my pizza?"

"Honey you are basically wearing it" Normani laughed.

Tori looked down at her outfit an let out a chuckle. Tori followed Normani out of the room but Tori made a trip to Laura's room.

Tori was able to wake the rest of the girls up an send them downstairs. Tori made sure that their stuff was packed and ready to go.

Once everybody was up they had ate took showers, got their selfs together. Lauren was highly confused because she was being told to pack.

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