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*beep beeep beeeep*

Niall Horan rolled over groggily and tried to find the source of the annoying beeping noise. Another day, another hotel in another city he probably wouldn't remember. Finding the alarm, he hit snooze. The noise finally silenced, he lay on his back and stretched out his stiff arms and legs. His head was pounding and he felt a little sick which was typical of touring. Usually you went out late after a concert and partied a little. Uncle Simon had been warning the boys about their drunken antics though and Niall knew they had to be more careful. Liam had not been too pleased with their last crazy party either.The realization of this fact settled sourly in his stomach. Standing up now, he ran a hand through his light blonde hair and stumbled around attempting to find a light switch. Supressing a wave of nausea, he attempted to wipe the sleep from his eyes. Concentrating on where to step in the dark room, Niall jumped and tripped over something on the floor when his iPhone buzzed.

As he went to stand up again he realized it was someone on the floor.

"Oi, mate. I was trying to sleep... At least give me the dignity of waking me gently instead of crushing me. Lay off the Nando's or something, would you?"

Niall stood up realizing it was Zayn on his floor.

"Sorry man.. You know what city we're in?"

"Calgary. Promoting Unstoppable."

"Yeah mate." said a deep voice from the corner of the room.

"Harry! What happened last night mate? Why are you guys here?"

"Ni, I wish I could remember but I have a feeling we'll find out." Zayn replied. Niall could tell all the boys were very hungover as was he.

Niall picked up his phone and saw he had around 20, 000 mentions on twitter. The sickness in his stomach only getting worse, Niall clicked on the link which brought him right to several tweets all containing the same picture: Niall, Zayn and Harry all walking out of some club called HiFi each with obviously drunk girls on their arms. In horror, Niall set his phone down and rushed to the bathroom emptying the contents of his stomach into the cool porcelain toilet. Within seconds, Harry was at his side, rubbing his back and asking what he found. Niall explained through dry heaves. This was not good news.

The hotel room phone began ringing and everyone froze. Simon had told the boys as they started the tour that he and only he knew how to reach their rooms on the phone. This had to be serious. Zayn unfroze first and he inched towards the phone, visibly shaking.

 "H-hello?" Zayn said quietly into the reciever.

"Zayn. Put this phone on speaker immediately." Simon's tone of voice, as intimidating as it was could not prepare the boys for what was to come.

"Boys, I have warned you and I feel as though what I have said has fallen upon deaf ears. You no longer deserve warnings. I am dropping you from my label effective immediately. It is up to you to tell Liam and Louis. Goodbye." The line clicked and all they heard was a dial tone.

The boys froze. This could not be happening. Simon could not have dropped the band. It was not possible. But, he just had. One Direction was no more.

It Just Won't Feel Right- A One Direction FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now