Chapter 16

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Three days had passed and Harry had been released from the hospital. He arrived home and the guys had prepared him a big supper, even having specially requested W Mandeville's bakery, the one that Harry had originally worked at to send a special shipment of their cheese-topped bread, a particular favourite of Harry's. The calm and relazing setting in Niall's house for once was nice. They felt as though they could talk about anything, and were not constantly nursing hangovers or sloshing back beers.

After the dinner, everyone had seemed to be sleepy and changed out of their clothes and into pyjama pants, leaving them low on their waists and no shirts. Harry had tied his hair back with a piece of cloth, claiming that the hair had been annoying him, having grown too long. Yet, as his hair was fairly sacred to the Cheshire man, he was extremely reluctant to allow anyone to touch it, let alone cut it.

Eventually all the guys found themselves sitting in Niall's living room, playing Grand Theft Auto IV on the flat screen tv.

"Niall, My flight leaves tomorrow. Are you interested in coming back with me? You can stay in my house." Louis asked. He had been oddly quiet the entire time, and had often been sneaking out of the room to make phone calls. At one point, Harry had asked about the phone calls and Louis ended up being very defensive and accusing Harry of eavesdropping.

"I don't know Louis, I mean this week has been great and all, but would it maybe work better if I were to stay here, just so we could all proccess what happened? Niall said. He seemed eager to spend time with the band again, yet he had just voiced one of the biggest concerns that they had all shared, yet been too afraid to say. They had all enjoyed the week, yet they knew that time apart was neccessary, something that had truly not been allowed for during the long months of touring.

Often it had been said that spending every second of every day with bandmates was what led to breakups, such as the one of the Beatles and NSYNC, One Direction had been no exception to that rule.

"Niall, I insist, I'll even pay your ticket, I just think that we should all be in London, I have a feeling it's needed." Louis said, almost as if he was dancing around a subject. Though he was not dancing around it to gracefully.

"Why's that Lou? I mean, I can pay my ticket. It's not as if money's the issue." Niall asked.

"Yeah, why?" Harry added.

"Well, I just think that it would be cool?" Louis said slowly, as though he was making up the words as he spoke them, his voice rising at the end of the words, the way that the boys could always tell as to whether or not he was lying.

"You're not telling the truth, Lou. What's up? Why have you been making all those secretive phone calls, anyways? Who keeps calling you?" Harry asked, a slight fire in his eyes fueling the inquisitive words that were leaving his mouth.

"Well I guess it's about time that I tell you the truth, isn't it?" Louis paused.

"Go on." Zayn answered. He wasn't the type to speak often, thus making his every word more precious than it usually would be. His short quip clearly stated what everyone was so desperate to say.

"Well, I spoke to Simon after Harry's first night in the hospital, he somehow heard about the incident and was calling to make sure that everything is okay. And then we talked a little. Essentially the conversation led to him saying that he sees something big happen with the band, that we could go on tour again and work with him again."

"Absolutely not." Liam answered immediately, a harsh tone in his voice surprising everyone in the room,  Liam included.

"I mean, I don't want to get back into that crazy scene quite yet, at least not with the management team that we had at the time." Liam explained, the hostility in the room easing with his words. Everyone nodded in agreement. They had definitely felt as though the situation they were placed in at the time, though they had been given all they could ever have dreamed for, was too much concerned for the way that the public would look upon them.  Ultimately in their eyes, it seemed as though a band of men, who enjoyed their nights out partying, was being marketed to children, from their faces being printed on lunch boxes, to their makeup collections and school supplies. They felt like they were portraying a negative image to their fans all the time, even if they were caught swearing or something as simple as enjoying a pint of beer.

"He said it'll be different this time. Something about big changes." Louis said. At this, the room was filled with 'hmm' and 'err'. Clearly the guys were debating the offer that had been displayed before them.

"So I'm assuming by the fact that you want Niall to come back with you to your place, we are going to have a meeting soon?" Harry asked eloquently.

"Essentially, yes. That and the fact that seeing as we don't have much time to discuss everything because I leave tomorrow." Louis replied.

"Okay then so I'll come back with you Louis. But when do you think the meeting will be?"

"That I don't know. Simon was saying that he hoped it could be soon."

Everyone nodded and Harry yawned loudly, the entire room turning to stare at him and laugh. His medication regiment from the hospital that he had been given after his surgery was making him constantly drowsy, there was rarely a time where someone would talk to Harry without him nodding off and things as basic as eating were exhausting him. "Well on that note, I'm going to bed." He announced, stumbling slightly as he walked out the door. The medication sometimes made him dizzy and lightheaded. He had nearly fallen down the stairs the other day. Harry likely would have too, had it not been for Zayn, who was just passing by as Harry took the tumble. Zayn had grabbed Harry quickly, embarrassing the young Cheshire man, he was never really one to ask for help unless he desperately needed it, which frequently  landed him in situations such as the one on the stairs.

Louis stood up then. He felt protective of Harry and felt as though he might be needed to help his bandmate walk up the stairs. Louis caught up with Harry, who was swerving lightly as he walked. He wrapped a warm arm around the significantly taller man, and helped him up the stairs and around the corner into a bedroom. Harry started giggling, and Louis made him sit in a chair. The medication seemed to affect him the most when he was drowsy. Louis checked the time on his watch as he unmade the bed for Harry to get in. It was close to midnight. His last dose of the narcotic painkiller would have been taken about an hour ago, clearly coming near to its full effect at that time, and seeing as Harry had likely been up since around eight that morning, he was likely exhausted.

Harry used Louis as leverage to get into bed, swinging his long legs from the floor and under the thick and fluffy white duvet that covered the mattress. He laid back and allowed Louis to tuck him in, only speaking when Louis was almost out of the room. "Louis, I really want to sing again. But this time, I want them to allow us to be friends. I would rather that they did not keep us apart, it was unfair." He whispered.

"Me too, Haz. Things will be different this time, I can promise you."

And with those words, Louis left the room, a smile on his face. Maybe the band would be completely back together, just like old times, after all.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2013 ⏰

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