Chapter 15

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Louis blinked his eyes in confusion a few times, the tiny hospital room he was sleeping in to keep Harry company had grown dark for some reason, and he could not figure out why.

"Hey Sleepyhead." A low gravelly voice said from the door frame. He looked up to see a mop of curly hair attached to a lanky body.

"You're up and walking!" Louis yelled, running over to Harry and wrapping him in a tight hug. Harry exhaled heavily, all the air seeming to escape his body. Louis backed away, concern etched in his features as he took in the sight of his friend.

Harry seemed to be good. He was still leaning heavily on the door frame, his body looked in good shape, though his glossed over eyes told Louis as though something might be odd. He had a small nose brace on, clearly he had just gone for surgery. As well, he had a bandage on his temple. Otherwise, Harry seemed fine.

Nonetheless, Louis was worried. "Oh my god. Did I hurt you?" He asked, panic evident in his voice.

"No no, I'm perfectly wonderful Lou-bear. Laaaa dee dahh de dooo why I love you." Harry sang out, rubbing his slender hand along the edge of the door frame.

Louis could not help but feel his heart race at the words "I love you." Yet, something did not feel right at all. Harry was far from his normal and quirky self. "Harry, are you alright?" Louis asked, concern once again written all over his face.

"I'm free as a bird. I'm laughing and laughing just like the gas they gave me. And my medicine called Ossssy, no, Oxycocet is being beautiful. Louis this stuff makes me feel like a princess." Harry attempted a pirouette and tipped over into Louis' waiting arms, failing miserably.

Realization dawned on Louis. The laughing gas they had given to Harry before his surgery, as well as the narcotic painkiller, which was very similar to Oxycontin had truly led Harry to being as high as a kite. As Harry had been subject to Athsma attacks and had never smoked, he truly had no experience being high. This meant he would in no way feel any pain, or have any memory of anything that took place.

Louis was in the process of fishing out his phone to take a video when he thought of an idea. He had to tell Harry how he felt as soon as possible, the weight of the pressure on him was literally driving him crazy. He figured that the best time to do so was at that point. Harry would not remember what Louis did, yet his reaction would be as truthful as ever. Harry could not lie on the drugs.

On impulse, Louis leaned forward and pressed his lips onto Harry's. He tried to deepen the kiss, but Harry was not reacting. It was as if Harry did not care, or had no interest in kissing Louis. Harry was frozen on the spot, his lips hard on Louis'. Louis pulled back and looked at Harry, his heart sinking with every passing second.

Louis could feel his face start to blaze red when Harry began to speak. "Silly, silly turnip. I love you, but as a brother. I used to be in tove with you, but you're too good for me. Louis, as much as Eleanor was a beard, you deserve someone as gorgeous as her, we could tell you loved her and she loved you too. Just, her contract ended and she had to leave. I don't deserve you." Harry said as he sat on the floor.

He started sobbing, the tears pouring down his face. Louis crouched down to the level of Harry's face and kissed him on the forehead. Still reeling from the confession, Louis whispered. "Harry, I love you. But if you don't want me, I'd rather see you with someone better. Don't sell yourself short. And I love you, never forget that." Louis said.

He stood up and hoisted up Harry who had stopped crying and had begun talking about caterpillars. He placed Harry in the bed, not really paying attention to his words as he walked out and down the hallway to grab a coffee.

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