Chapter 13

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A/N I'm dedicating this chapter to my favourite author on here right now, writetospeak! Please go check her out, I promise you won't be disappointed.


Niall unfroze and stepped forward silently. He felt for a pulse, his hand shaking heavily. He located one and sighed in relief. It did not seem abnormally fast or slow either. "He's alive. But he can't be face down in blood. He needs to breathe." Niall said. He feared still. Though there was a clear for the heart still beating, they had no idea whether there were any other complications.

"What's going on here?" Liam pushed through the crowd. He was pretty drunk, but his presence comforted Niall. Liam was always the sensible one, as cliché as it seemed. Liam also knew how to perform emergency first aid, in the case that they needed it right there. "Now has somebody called an ambulance?" Liam asked, as he placed his hand gently on the back of the unconscious man's neck. "It seems like there are no spinal injuries. We can move him now." Liam said as he rolled the man over.

Niall felt all the wind rush out of his body when he finally saw the bloodied and bruised face of his friend and bandmate Harry. His nose was obviously broken, that being the likely source of the blood. It also appeared that he was quickly growing a black eye, and a cut on his lip looked like it would scar. A growing bump on Harry's right temple seemed to also be bloody, scratches evident along the side, likely the source of Harry's unconsciousness.

"Somebody call a fucking ambulance!" Liam yelled, looking around. The room was nearly empty, in the panic over Harry's safety it seemed that almost everyone had left the house. Zayn and Louis being the only ones there that Niall really wanted to see, standing next to Emily.

Emily was on her phone, tears streaming down her face as she was describing the scene before them. She shook lightly, the crying evidently taking control of her body. Niall looked at her and they made eye contact. He nodded as if to ask if she was okay. She nodded to say yes, but the tears welling up in her eyes told him otherwise. He looked at Liam, then at Harry, it seemed as though Niall was just getting in the way.

Liam had since rolled Harry into something called the recovery position and then gone about looking for any other injuries that may be covering his body. "It looks like he's going to be okay. Probably just that he's got a concussion. The fact that he was drunk doesn't help much in the situation, but he should be fine as long as the ambulance gets here soon. What did they say?" Liam asked Emily sombrely.

"They said they'd be 20 minutes. But then I mentioned it was at Niall Horan's house and it was Harry Styles who was injured and they said 5 minutes at the most." Emily said, seeming embarrassed at the fact that she had used their fame for a benefit such as that.

"Honestly, it was a good choice saying our names. The star treatment is over the top, but its honestly appreciated so much right now." Niall explained, looking at Emily to comfort her.

"I didn't feel right about it at first, but I panicked." She replied to Niall.

"Understandable. But it worked in the end." Niall said, as he stood up and closed the short distance between them. He wrapped his long, muscular arms around her and kissed her forehead gently, allowing her to cry into his chest. "Its okay, love. You did everything you could." He whispered into her golden hair, squeezing her lightly as he said those few words.

"I just want to know why somebody would beat up Harry." Zayn angrily stated. "Of all the people I know, Harry's the most civil. He'd never want to fight someone without a legitimate reason." Zayn seemed to be getting more and more worked up and Louis put his arm around Zayn to calm him.

"I know why." A small voice gently spoke from the couch. Nobody had really paid attention to who was in the room at the time, and presumably, the brown haired girl had been overlooked. She had obviously been crying. Zayn walked over to her and took a seat on the couch, innocently placing his hand on her thigh, just above her knee.

"Why?" He asked gently, trying not to upset her.

"Its because Kassidy has a boyfriend. She doesn't really stick with her boyfriend and is terrible to him, but she has one. He usually ignores the fact that she cheats. But when Harry turned her down, I guess her sadness made him angrier. He found Harry and started punching him. You could hear his nose breaking over the music. He had Harry down on the floor in one hit, and just kept hitting him until somebody pulled him off. I think the fact that Harry tried to fight back just made him angrier. The punch Harry got in almost broke Tom's nose. But Tom's a professional MMA cage fighter so Harry never really stood much of a chance. I'm honestly surprised he's not any worse off." She finished, her voice becoming weaker as she spoke, the last sentence was barely more than a whisper.

The room was filled with silence as her words were let to sink in. Emily shook harder in Niall's arms as the harsh reality was made clear. She wrapped her arms around Niall as she felt a tear crash down onto the top of her head. Everyone else stood still. They took the time to appreciate the fact that their friend was in the condition that he was, and not worse off as the stranger had said he likely could be.

There were three sharp knocks on the front door. Then "Emergency Services here. Please open up." Louis walked towards the door and opened it, allowing the ambulance workers to enter the house. Soon following were the police.

"Now I'm going to completely ignore the fact that it smells like marijuana in here and that I might see a bong on the table, because I'd rather focus on the issue at hand." The officer said, looking around the room. The ambulance workers had been in the process of attaching Harry to a spinal board and attaching an immobilising neck piece around Harry's neck as a precaution. Liam had been helping the workers by describing what they had done. Seeing that they were caught up and seemingly had the situation under control, Liam wiped off his hands on his slightly bloodied t-shirt and reached out to shake the officer's hand.

"Hi sir, I'm Liam Payne. Our friend Harry was assaulted by someone we do not know. However, knowing him, he would try to avoid complicating the situation by pressing charges. At the same time, I hope I'm not only speaking for myself when I say that I would like to at least figure out who it is."

"Understandable. And though Harry would not like to press charges, we cannot let something like this pass. A man could have been killed, and that's a risk we would like to avoid taking. Do you have any way of contacting witnesses?" The officer asked, the grim look on his face never softening.

"I-i know wh-what happened." The girl on the couch spoke up, still crying.

"Well miss, is it okay if we take you to the station? We're assuming you're an adult, because otherwise your testimony would not be valid without the presence of an attorney. And those are honestly quite difficult to find at two in the morning."

"I'm twenty -two. But I have been drinking so I can't drive."

"We'll take you. Anyone else want to help? Or somebody to ride along in the ambulance with the poor young man?" The officer said as he stepped towards the door.

Louis walked forward and pulled on a pair of old shoes and a jacket. He wordlessly walked out into the night and towards the direction of the flashing lights covering the ambulance. The rest of the boys knew that at that point, Louis would be best left alone so they shook their heads and looked at their feet.

The officer got into his car and drove away. The boys were alone again, except for Emily. Zayn and Liam walked out of the room and walked up the stairs, leaving the silent scene behind them. Emily pulled out her phone. "What are you doing?" Niall asked.

"I'm calling a cab. I should go." She said, looking around at the situation before her.

"Please don't." Niall begged, lifting her chin and forcing her to look him in the eyes. "I don't know if I can handle being alone."

"Are you sure its a good idea?"

"Better than not talking about it at all, and maybe never seeing you again"

"Fine." And with that word, they walked up to Niall's room, his arm around her delicate shoulder.

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