Chapter 12

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It was the next day and the boys had been scrambling around, trying to get things ready for the massive party that was to take place that evening. So far, the guest list that was coming together seemed massive and impressive. Undoubtedly, the five former boy band members knew what they were doing and were good at it. Harry had been nervously pacing for the past hour, trying to decide what to wear. He wanted to impress Kassidy. She was stunning, and Harry hoped that she might actually like him. It wasn't often that he found a girl who didn't want anything other than to get into bed with him and he hoped that Kassidy would be the type to date.

Niall went and bought loads and loads of alcohol, from vodka, rum, tequila to gin and obviously a few kegs, because in Niall's mind, a party was not a party until you could do keg stands. He phoned up a few of his friends and found several hot girls to be bartenders for the night. Niall organized to have a DJ and then went to get ready. The party was to start at 8pm and it was already 6.

Liam, on the other hand, went to purchase all the food. He bought tons of crisps as well as some cake. Ironically, in the discount section of the shop, he found an old cake topper with the image of their faces from the What Makes You Beautiful photoshoot, also known as the only photoshoot that had pictures used from it. Liam laughed and added the cake topper to his buggy. It was a party celebrating the lads, so why the hell not have them on the cake?


It was 1:00 am and the guests were still rolling up, a lot of people drunk off their asses. The music was extremely loud and the bass was shaking everything in the vincity. The sweaty bodies in Niall's living room were writhing together, twisting around each other extremely close.

"I've been searching everywhere but I can't seem to find Molly, molly molly." The lyrics screamed through the place, many of the party goers yelling back at the DJ, repeating all that was being said. Niall stood on the balcony that overlooked the large open space that was the living room, and the centre of the party. There was easily 600 people there This was almost Project X level crazy. He grinned widely and looked for a familliar face. He spotted Harry in the crowd. Harry had his arms wrapped around a curvy girl with black hair, her lips on his neck. Niall was confused, Harrry wasn't exactly the slutty type of guy. Then he realized it was the police officer from the other day.

"OH FUCK YES HARRY!" Niall screamed "GET THAT FUCKING PUSSY THAT'S WHAT'S UP!" He then heard someone laughing in his ear. He turned towards the sound and saw Liam by his side "What are you yelling about Niall?" He said, the smell of alcohol heavy on his breath. Niall pointed right at Harry who was now making out with Kassidy. "YESSSS!" Liam screamed out, the word slightly slurred. Niall then left the balcony and walked over to the bar. On his way, a stunning blonde girl ran into him "Oh my god I'm so sorry!" She yelled over the loud music. She then saw that it was Niall and froze, her mouth hanging slightly open. "I'm Niall. And you are?" The girl stood frozen for another second and then seemed to find her voice "I'm Emily!" She answered, smiling.

"Well, Emily. I'm going to the bar. Can I get you anything?"

"A corona would be wonderful."

"Wait, you drink beer?" Niall replied, shocked.

"Yeah.. Is there a problem with that?"

"Not at all, I'm just not used to girls drinking beer. Usually they ask for some fruity drink like a Sex on the Beach or a Screwdriver."

"Well I personally think those are too fruity. I'd take a tequila shot over that any day."

"Tequila shots? Are you sure you can handle those?"

"Honey, I think you're mistaking me for some form of a lightweight.. You're seriously mistaken if that's the case." Emily laughed, placing her right hand on Niall's left shoulder.

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