Chapter 11

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It was late at night and everyone was exhausted. Not much was said through the short drive home. Zayn and Louis drove home in Niall's Bentley that they had used while Harry and Liam used the Range Rover, Liam driving while Niall sat shotgun and Harry in the back seat. Niall seemed embarrassed from his actions, as if he was calling for attention. He avoided talking to anyone and barely made eye contact with the boys in the car. As they stopped in the driveway, Liam placed his hand on Niall's leg and smiled. They boys made eye contact and even though niether of them said anything, Niall knew that he had been completely forgiven.

After everyone got home from the adventure, they gradually retreated to their rooms, leaving Harry and Niall alone in the kitchen. A half eaten, cooling, cheese pizza and a case of red bull between the two. Niall picked up a slice and took a bite. He chewed thoughtfully and dropped the rest back in the box with a slap. He exhaled heavily and leaned forwards onto the counter, placing his head into his hands, shaking it lightly. Harry walked towards his older friend and wrapped his long arms around him protectively. He squeezed gently and rubbed up and down on Niall's arm.

"Niall, if it means anything, I think you'll be an amazing father to that child."

"Easy for you to say, you practically raised Lux for the first four years of her life. Things like that just come naturally to you. Me? I feel like I'll have to work for it every day. And I'm just such a terrible influence."

"Niall, you've been an amazing brother to me and all the other boys. I could rely on you at any second if I ever needed someone to talk to. And as far as being a bad influence? You're going through a rough time. Sure, weed is a drug, but it's not like the majority of people under thirty smoke it from time to time. And you haven't let it take over your life, so why are you letting it do that now?"

"I don't know, man. I just worry sometimes, you know? Like what if my kid sees that their dad smoked and thinks that they can use it against me. Like I go to give them the talk and they say 'Well, daddy. You did it so why can't I?' Like, what do I say to that?"

"You say that you made a few mistakes in your past and you just don't want your child to repeat the same ones because you love them. Niall, I know you'll make an excellent father. When's the baby due anyways?"

"Two months."

"Well you have two months to get ready. We'll be with you every step of the way."

"Thanks, Harry. I just feel now though like I'm the only one with problems in the group. Like you guys have got your lives all sorted out and I'm left here a complete screwed up mess."

"We do have our own problems, you realize that right?"

"I guess I've just looked past it. But what's wrong?"

"Well for one, I hate University. I never wanted to be there in the first place, but I felt like I had to go. I didn't want to be seen as the guy who only has his voice going for him, nothing else. But no matter how hard I try to make that happen, I really can only see myself making music."

"That does really suck"

"Yeah. So next time you feel like you're a screwed up mess, remember you're not alone. We're all pretty fucked up too."

Harry gave Niall one more tight hug and walked out of the room. Niall stood there for a while in thought. Thinking about how in two months, nothing would ever be the same. But after the craziness following the X Factor, he had gotten used to sudden change. And maybe that would prove to be a benefit.


Getting out of bed the next day proved to be difficult to Harry. He had rarely been one to reveal so much about his life, even if it was to Niall. Now that he had said everything he had been thinking out loud, it was just made to be so much more real. When it was in his head, he could at least push it to the back and tell himself that he was only imagining it, however at this point, someone else knew and that changed things. He had to quit University, that was the first thing he had to take care of.

It Just Won't Feel Right- A One Direction FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now