Chapter 10

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A/N Sorry for the late update, It's been busy with Grad, Prom and Canada day. The update's a little short but I don't know what to write past this right now.. Enjoy. (:

Niall walked into Liam's room. He needed someone to confide in, and as soon as possible. He'd been trying to talk to the rest of the boys when Simon's call interrupted them. He had to get something off his chest, and as soon as possible. He felt like the weight of the world was crushing down on him. It was as if at any second he would collapse.

Niall looked around the room and checked the attached bathroom, but Liam was nowhere to be found. As always the room was slightly messy, the bed unmade. Nothing seemed drastically out of place in the large bedroom, except for the small piece of paper on the bedside table. Liam had always liked leaving handwritten notes, no matter how attrocious his handwriting was. Niall walked over to the bedside table and picked up the scrap left by the other boy.

'I'm going into town, ran out of protein powder and have to meet with my management team babout something. I guess you can text me if you need anything like groceries. I should be back tonight!


Liam was gone for the day. Niall next went looking for Zayn. Zayn was the other guy in the band who never let a personal opinion get in the way of advice. When Niall found Zayn, he was on the phone. Zayn quickly covered up the mouth piece and said "I'm busy, mate! Talking to this hot American chick named Xochilt. You gotta understand."

Niall nodded and walked out of the room. Zayn was a good guy but he often got caught up when he liked a girl. He never really focused on much else than music and love. Zayn was easily the most romantic in the group, and the most likely to fall in love as soon as he met them. Zayn would go out of his way to prove how he felt for a girl by doing things like tattoos representing them or expensive gifts like cars and houses.

"Nialler! Louis and I have to study, can we use your office?" Harry yelled from the bottom of the stairs.

"Of course mate! But can I please tell you something, it's important. It's Anna, I need to tell you something right now."

"Can it wait? I'm behind on my Politics and Globalization work, and the prof's an asshole. I can't fail this course, Niall. I'll lose my chance to go to Queen's next year." Harry yelled, the stress in his voice evident.

"Yeah, sure." Niall replied. He felt defeated. He had nowhere to turn and nobody to talk to. He was alone. He had nowhere to turn. Even though his friends were there, he felt like once again they were too busy for him.

Niall walked down the stairs and walked down them and out to his car. He threw open the door to the Range Rover and climbed in. NIall turned the key to start the car so violently that he almost snapped it in half. He turned on the radio and turned the volume up almost all the way. He reversed out of the driveway and sped his way up the small street, weaving in and out of the few cars on the road.

Niall sped his way up the N4 towards his usual spot. He had a place on Lough Owel, a nearby lake in Mullingar where he would always sit when he was on the verge of breaking down. When he pulled up to the small gravel path, he shut the car off and searched under the glove box in the secret compartment that was on the passenger side for the small bag of weed he always kept. He set it up on  the dashboard and rolled it into a cherry flavoured paper. He pinched the end and opened the car door, climbing down from the car, but not before grabbing a lighter from the centre console.

Niall walked up the short gravel path and sat down on a secluded rock near the water's edge. Looking out over the serene view, he lit up the joint and inhaled deeply. His phone started to ring loudly, interrupting his thoughts. He pulled out the phone and saw Anna's face on the screen. His ex girlfriend. Of course she would be calling him at a time that he needed to forget her. Niall ignored the call and threw his phone, with as much force as he could muster, into the lake.

He laid back on the rock and closed his eyes.


Niall woke up hours later to the sound of yelling voices and the twinkling of stars overhead.

"Niall!" He could hear them screaming.

"Y-yes" He choked out. He coughed and yelled again "YES?"

"Oh my god, where are you? Niall we can't see you, it's too dark."

Niall stood up groggily and started walking down the gravel path back to his car. He fished around in his pockets and found the keys. He clicked them and turned the car on, hoping that the lights too would illuminate the area so that the voices could find him. The Range Rover started with a loud purr, the high end engine clearly working very little to turn itself on remotely.

"Niall, I'm right by your car." Niall began to recognize the raspy voice he heard, one of the many that had been calling him for the past few minutes. Harry was there.

Niall walked slightly faster. How long had it been since he had come here? He searched his pockets for his phone so that he could check the time. That was when he remembered why he was by the water's edge. He stopped in his tracks and sank to the ground. Why were his so-called friends coming to find him, if they couldn't even spare two minutes to talk to him?

It was then that Niall heard footsteps coming towards him. He saw the bright light of a flashlight being pointed towards him.

"Niall." The person holding the light said quietly. It was Louis.

"Louis, don't yell anything yet, I'm not ready to face you all." Niall whispered. Louis crouched down and got closer to his Irish friend

"Why not?"

"I'm just so close to breaking down and I need to say something but I haven't had the chance because you've all been too busy."

"Well, Niall I'm here for you now." Louis answered.

"Well Louis, it's Anna."

"What about her?" Louis asked, the anger clearly being barely held in.

"Well, we met up just to discuss things and one thing led to another and it just got out of hand and things happen, you know? Like it's not as if I meant for anything to happen Lou, but it did and now I don't know where to turn."

"Niall just tell me what happened." Louis said, sounding impatient.

"Louis, we fucked. I was wasted but we did and now she's calling me, saying she's pregnant with my kid. I'm about to be a father and I don't think I'm ready for it." Niall practically yelled.

Louis sat down on the gravel path, shocked. 

"Are you sure it's yours?" Louis asked

"Pretty damn sure. And even if it's not, everyone will think it is unless she says something."

"Well, fuck."

The rest of the boys came running towards Niall and Louis then. They had heard what Niall had yelled. They stood around the other two boys, looking pale.

"You know what," Niall said, sounding angry "I need to be a good father to this kid because Anna won't be a good mother. But I'm only 21. I might need your help."

"Of course. We're here for you Niall. We just wish you'd said something sooner."

'I didn't exactly have the opportunity for that, now did I?" Niall said sarcastically.

"Guess not."

"Man, if it makes you feel any better, Xochilt has a boyfriend." Zayn said.

"It doesn't really but man that sucks." Niall answered. "How the fuck did you find me anyways?"

"We tried calling you for hours and hours but your phone wasn't working. Then some fan said you almost hit her with your car driving up towards here. And we saw the tire tracks." Liam said.

"Plus you brought me here that one time I visited Mullingar way back, and we got really drunk." Harry said, laughing at the memory.

"Let's get you home." Louis protectively wrapped his arm around Niall.

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