Chapter 3

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Liam pulled his car up the small drive. His quirky Alfa Romeo squeezing between an Audi and a Porsche. He knew that meant Harry and Louis were there already. He ran towards the small building when his knees gave out, the flood of memories hitting him like a train. Tears began pouring out of his eyes, tears wracking his strong body. The emotions were happy yet extremely painful, the memories behind them had happened not so long ago yet still felt like a lifetime away.

They had been a band then, brothers, inseparable. Sure they had fought but they had never predicted the argument that would eventually lead to the demise of the world's biggest boy band. It had been about three and a half years since he had last been to this place. They were filming the ITV special that day, A Year In the Making. In those three years since, everything had changed.

All of the boys had quit the music scene. Though Liam had returned to it himself. Zayn had become a tattoo artist, Harry and Louis had both returned to school, Harry to become a criminal defence lawyer and Louis to become a drama teacher, Niall had opened a restaurant where the proceeds went to charity and Liam had become a firefighter.

It had only been after a chance encounter with a fan named Leila who had soon become one of Liam's closest friends that he realised quitting was the biggest mistake of his life. He had tripped over Leila's suitcase one day in the Cairo airport where he had just flown to for a vacation when her brother had approached him demanding an apology. Naturally Liam said sorry. It had been then that Leila recognised him. She spoke with him of a time where she had been terrified to leave her house because of bullies and how Liam had shown her to never give up. She told him of how listening to One Direction songs never ceased to make her smile.

That moment made Liam contact Simon Cowell as soon as he left and arrange time in the studio. It was that night that Liam penned his first solo single 'Wrong'. 

None of the boys were in relationships, Louis and Eleanor had separated when Eleanor felt she could no longer take the hate, Danielle and Liam after Danielle felt that her fame from dating Liam was the prime contributor to her career. Zayn and Perrie had ended once the band separated, Little Mix had been hoping to piggyback off of One Direction's fame. The boys had not spoken to each other in years. This thought of separation from those he had once loved so dearly devastated Liam and he shook as Harry and Louis sprinted towards him, helping him inside the small bungalow.

The tears subsiding, Liam faced the two men sitting on the couch whom he had not seen in two years. Louis had begun to push his hair back off his face while Harry still had his cheeky curls. The expectant looks on the boys' faces made Liam smile 'Hard to think that last time we were here it was for ITV.' Harry said, resting his chin in his hands.

'Didn't you jump in that pool naked? And allow your willy to be shown on National Television?' Louis added with a grin.

'I believe I did.'

The boys began to laugh at that. Strange how even after two years of separation things quickly felt normal.  'How are you lads? How's school going?' Liam asked, genuinely curious.

'Excellent. I'm doing an international exchange to Queens University in Canada next fall.' Harry replied. Louis' jaw dropped in shock

'Harry, are you kidding me? I'm going to Ryerson University which is in Toronto, two hours away from you.'

These odd coincidences  were frequent between the two boys almost as if they were destined to meet throughout their lives as they had in the bathroom of the X Factor that fateful day. Liam had long suspected that there was something there, whether it was love or not had yet to be answered but there was the possibility nonetheless. 

The sound of car tires crunching on the gravel drive interrupted Liam's thoughts. 'Zayn!' The boys yelled together. They all ran out the door and saw the handsome boy's features light up with the presence of three of his old best friends. 'Boys, I brought you drinks.' Zayn said, pulling out Louis' tea and Harry's hot chocolate. Zayn then handed Liam his latte as he closed the car door and walked towards the bungalow. His shoulders slumped forwards as he approached the building and Liam could tell there was a rush of nostalgia flowing through Zayn's fragile frame. Liam wrapped his arms around Zayn, muscular from volunteer firefighting, and helped his friend inside.

When everyone was settled, Harry started a fire and sat down in the leather wingback chair in the corner of the room. He held his head in his hands and sucked in a huge breath of air, holding it for what seemed like a long time. Liam knew from experience that this was Harry attempting not to cry so he walked towards the lanky boy from Holmes Chapel and gave him a hug. Harry took a deep breath again and began speaking.

'Guys, Niall's not doing well. He's depressed and is dealing right now with an anxiety disorder. I know full well this may never go away but what he needs to know is that there are people out there who care about him. Greg keeps trying to get him to realize this but after everything that went on, there's no wonder why he's having trouble accepting the fact. At this point, he needs us there. I know we fought and everything but, we need to take care of this. We need to help Niall and get him to have the right mindset. He needs us. And we need this. Being together right now as a group even though Niall isn't here, it feels like I have a part of me back right now. A part I've been missing for two years. If we can all go back to Mullingar, we should surprise Niall. I know he misses us as much as we miss him.'

During the little speech of Harry's, Zayn's eyes had filled with tears. Liam had always seen something between Zayn and Niall, something stronger than friendship maybe.

Louis then spoke. 'Lads, I can't believe I'm saying this but, it's time to bring back One Direction.' The suddenness of this decision took Liam aback. True, it seemed the right thing to do but it also appeared impossible. Simon Cowell sure would not be pleased to have the boys back to their partying ways. But, maybe. Maybe there was something they could do to bring the band back. 


2 Hours Later.

Liam had just hung up after a conversation with his friend Leila. He told her of how the band was getting back together. She worried about the idea. Her doubt about this made Liam nervous but something about it seemed so right. It was that night that Liam bought a plane tickets for a direct flight from Berne, Switzerland to London, first class. He put it in an envelope and sent it to Leila. Included was this note:

Leila, use this ticket and come see me. I know I'll need someone that night because that's when I get back from Ireland. I can't wait to see you.

Love, Liam.

And with that, Liam packed his bags for a vacation that could change every single aspect of his life.

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