Wedding Vows 1(Louis' to Harry.)

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It wasn't the first look in your eyes, or the first kiss we shared, and it wasn't sharing our love to the world. It wasn't those things that made me fall in love with you. It was the conversation we had in the A.M, it was the way you would pour your milk the exact same way every time and it was the way you always cared for everyone and everything. Harry, we met in a bathroom, in case you forgot, and it may not be the most romantic place to meet but it gives us a story to tell. A hell of a story as well. But no, falling in love was not like the movies. Because in movies they fall in love with the looks or idea of their partner. You, well, you were gorgeous. Stunning. Just standing there minding your own buisness acting pretty straight if you ask me, but when I saw you, I didn't really think we would ever properly meet, share an awkward smile and move on kind of thing. Oh how wrong I was, and I mean, I am saying this on our wedding day for goodness sake. I remember when I first knew I loved you. It was scary, and it made the hairs on my neck stand up, my stomach flipped and I felt myself needing to throw up. But I wasn't in love with just someone, I was in love with you and that made all those feelings feel good. Because Harry, you can't ever make my feelings go away, good or bad. But what you do is manage to make those feelings feel so much better. I think what I'm trying to say is that no matter how bad something is, you make it better. There we were, 17 and 19, laying in our apartment on top of eachother whilst singing at the top of our lungs. And that, that was when I knew I loved you. Even though I knew the feeling was true, I couldn't find it in myself to tell you because, dammit, you were 17! We fell in love at such a young age and we managed to have the world in our hands at the same time, quite literaly. It took me 3 weeks exactley to write a dumb speech for you. In the end I screwed it up and threw it away. It came from the heart, but it also came from a paper and pen. What I am saying now, this alsocomes from my heartbut this is eye contact and rambling heart to heart thing. Un-rehearsed, no plan, just going with it. It worked for us and hopefully it is working with this speech. Because I have you and you have me, together we will show everyone just how much we love each other. From your unruley curls to your shamefuly green eyes, I am absoloutley, crazily, truely, madly, deeply, in love with you.  

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