They Don't Know About Us

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Louis sat there, leaning against the bed head with his legs curled into his chest. "She isn't pregnant god dammit" He whispered feeling weaker than ever. While his 'baby carrier' was out with his bloody family, Louis was on his bed crying softly. Harry was out buying groceries and Christmas presents. Louis hated it all, he knew he would much rather be in love with Harry and hide then the two of them just being best mates for these 5 years, but right now he can't find one thing wrong with their love. Then 'They don't know about us' started playing.
People say we shouldn't be together.

No. Modest! Say we shouldn't be together, people, our fans, think we should be together! They know! I see all the tweets and videos and shit but no, it will never be good enough.

Too young to know about forever.

A 16 year old boy trusted me with his life and safety and moved in with me. Too young to know about forever? These 5 years have felt like forever, I know forever, 5 damn years and I am still in love with him, how does that have anything to do with age. I love him he loves me.

But I say they don't know what they're talking about.

I do say that, every single time I go into the Modest! Building. I yell and cry and Harry screams and panics and we get asked to leave. Almost. Every. Time.

Cause this love is only getting stronger.

Absence makes the heart grow fonder, being hidden made my love go stronger. I only love Harry more now, what's the point of hiding us.

I just want to tell the world that you're mine girl.

Modest! Made us put the girl in there. Because telling the world is all Harry and I want to do. Telling every single one of our fans that we are in love. No more rumours or lies.

They don't know about the things we do.

Every time I hear this, it brings me back to when Harry and I get time alone together in our apartment. When we would blast music and dance and sing and laugh. We forget about the next day where we would be separated once again, we forget about the days that had already come, where we were pushed away from the world.

They don't know about the I Love You's.

Not true, when we wrote the song, we thought we were pretty great t hiding ourselves away, apparently not. We were so obvious, some things we could help but honestly nothing can change the way I look at Harry. There's a video of Harry saying 'I love you' and me saying it back, you can't hear us but we are mouthing it and fans caught up on it.

But I bet you if they only knew.

By 'they' I mean the people who thought Eleanor and I were actually dating. Because if they knew then everyone would know. What would Modest! Do then??? Huh?? Yeah exactly.


Then Harry came home. Louis didn't hear him come in, quite surprisingly actually because Harry is such a klutz and managed to break a vase kicking off his shoes. Only the top chipped off and their house was so big that even sound gets lost.

Louis had stopped crying but he was throwing a stress ball at the roof, and it was pretty clear that he had just sobbed his eyes out, due to the fact he had tear stained cheeks and red puffy eyes. So when Harry entered he immediately ran over to Louis.

"Louis what's wrong, did something happen? Are you okay?"

"Oh yeah I'm fine" Louis lied. And Louis never lies unless he is really upset.

"C'mon Lou, don't lie to me" Harry said grabbing Louis and placing him on his lap.

"It's nothing Haz, lets just leave it yeah?" Harry sighed pulling him impossibly closer.

"No, we're not leaving it just tell me whats wrong, please." Harry was being soft with him, he always is but hen Louis' in this state he has no other option.

"I just don't want to hide anymore, I don't want to lie to our fans, I love you and I don't even like Briana, yet everyone says I should. I should like girls according to them but I can't love anyone more than I love you." By this point Louis was softly crying again and Harry was holding his breath and hugging Louis.

Realisation hit them both that soon enough, they would be separate beings again, not one sign that they are combined by their soul's and spirituality.

"I know Lou, it makes me sad as well but just think about how when we come out, we will have so many stories to tell people, so many stories no one knows but us. Think about all the fans that already know, think about how happy they'll be just because we are happy. Eventualy everyone is going to realise that Briana, or Brinini or whatever isn't pregnant, what is she going to do when her '9 months' is up?" They both let out light chuckles and Louis leaned up to kiss Harry's cheek.

"I love you, you know that yeah?" Louis said changing positions to straddle Harry. Not in anyway but love.

"Of course I do. And Iove you too."

That is how the rest of the night went. Meaningful and quiet. Usualy they would have pounced on each other as soon as they got through the door, but when one of them were upset it was always a slower night.

The two boys held on, they held on for another month or two before they came out. The contract ended, the two boys slowly raised attention to themselves before telling everyone. They got never ending love and support for eachother. Every person they came acroos telling them how proud they were for holding on. Always In My Heart.

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