Wedding Vows 2 (Louis To Harry)

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I remember all the interviews we had where they asked about Larry, because not once did we actually deny it. I think that's what got me through. We were forced to hide, forced to be put with other people but we never denied it.

I can't remember at what point interviewers stopped asking about Larry, but I do know it was Modest!'s fault. When I told you I loved you, I wasn't lying, it took me a while to actually say it out loud but I never lied. I said it as a promise that we'd stay together, I said it then because I knew I wouldn't be able to say it later. 

I do love you Harry Styles, I loved you when I met you in the bathroom all those years ago, I loved you when we would do live streams together, I loved you when she asked 'Even as young as you are?' I loved you when you cried for hours on end because we were trapped and locked away, I loved you when I asked you to marry me, I loved you when everyone thought I had a child, I loved you when we would tell our fans we loved each other through stuffed bears, and I still love you. I love you know, and I loved you then, and I will always love you.

And to answer the question, I genuinely seriously believe we are in a relationship, and yes I want kids even as young as I am, and YES I Will make chicken stuffed with mozzarella every anniversary and yes, all my songs were written about you.

And most importantly, I Do.

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