Shout It Out (prompt 1)

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Shout it out.

Harry has a problem with saying what he wants. He has a block somewhere in his brain that stops him from correctly processing his thoughts into words. This causes him stress but he learns to deal with it, most of the time. Some times he can't form more than a sentance so he has to shout it out. He doesn't mean to but he gets so frustrated and flustered that it just blurts out.

Louis Tomlinson, on the other hand, is Harry's definition of perfect. He is popular in a way which everyone likes him but he chooses to stick with his group of average people. Louis speaks perfectly and clearly with his Yorkshire accent.

Unfortunatley, Harry develops a 'small' liking for this boy, and he really wants to impress Louis but everytime he goes to speak to him Harry just shouts something out, blushes and runs away. 

Louis really likes Harry, he wants to talk to him but everytime Harry just runs away. That is until they cross paths. They become friends but one day the feelings get too much and all Harry can do is shout it out.

(give small credit but take it, no need to ask.)

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