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The thing with ADHD is your own mind is outside of your body. The feeling of focus was never a consistant thing for me until I met Harry.

The lights and noises were blinding, flashing reminders of the fact I am a useless slave to my body. Until I met Harry.

 I no longer cared when my teachers yelled at me because I understood how to help myself after metting Harry.

We were in the city that never sleeps, the lights were bright and the music was loud.
But in the centre of tiems square, he was all I viewed, from his smile to his fingertips. Not the signs or people. All I saw was him.

For love isn't about my mental slability, or the stars in the sky. Love was about finding the person who can completley help you in things you can't control.

Your true love is the person who controlls all the hings you can't. And until I met Harry I never understood what someone meant when they said their partner was their ther half.

Blame it on the ADHD but I never understood love, until I met Harry.  

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