Chapter 1

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Sophia's POV

"Sophia! Are you getting dressed?"My mom yelled

"Yes mom."I yelled struggling to put on my jeans. I've been spending 10 minutes struggling to put on jeans that normally fit like a charm. I gave up throwing the jeans across the floor compromising for a dress. Today, is my first day of senior year. The most hectic year people say. I slid on the floral dress, a jean jacket, and some sandals. My hair was straight as usual and light makeup.

I ran down the stairs and I saw my brother who was a sophomore eating breakfast. I sat in a barstool and started eating the food that was waiting for me.

"Morning sunshine Sophia." My dad said

"Ready for your first day as a senior?" My mom asked

"Ready as I'll ever be."I said pouring syrup on my pancakes

"I'll be right there with ya." My brother Jackson said

"You're a sophomore."I said rolling my eyes

"We still go to the same school." Jackson said

"Mom you're driving him to school, I can drive myself."I said finishing the last of my pancakes

"Fine. Drive safe Soph. Have a good day." My mom said as I walked out the door.

I put my book sack in the passenger seat and turned on the car. I backed out the driveway seeing my neighbor Cameron on his way to the same school for senior year. I bit my lip as I jetted down the street.

I pulled into the senior parking lot and went into I parking spot. I made sure I looked nice for the first day of school. Looking down at my phone I waited to see where my friends were gonna be. I walked into school by the lockers and saw my friends Ava and Chloe.

"Sophia!" Ava said with her arms out

I went into the hug "Hi, I've missed you guys over the summer."

"Hi Sophia."Chloe said hugging me "What did you do over the summer?"

"Well I did some pretty wild things."I said winking my eye

"You're joking what did you do?" Ava asked

"I'm being serious. Remember that party we went to in my neighborhood?" I asked

"Yeah." They both said

"What about it?" Chloe asked

"Cameron Taylor and I had sex after you guys left."I said quietly

"You're joking right?" Ava said

"Dead serious."I said

"The football player? " Chloe asked

"Yeah and neighbor."I said quietly

"Have you talked after you did you know it?" Ava asked

"No."I said as my voice trailed off as I saw Cameron walk through the hallway with his football player friends "Do you even think he remembers?"

"Were you sober?" Chloe asked yet another question

"I don't drink and I know he wasn't drunk."I said as the bell rang "Can't be late on the first day of senior year."

My friends and I went our different ways to get to our first class. Everything was going fine until I got to the top of the stairs and bumped into someone.

"Sorry."I said as I looked up

"Sophia."Cameron said looking me in the eye. I bit my lip.

"Cameron."I said as my voice trailed off

"Don't think I forgot about our wild night. See ya around?"He said going down the stairs not even letting me talk back. I pushed my hair behind my ear and went up the stairs to deal with an 8 hour day in hell.


"I gave this surgery today fixing a wrist, it was pretty cool." My dad the surgeon said while eating

"Awesome dad!"I said sarcastically rolling my eyes

"I'm working on a huge case between ahh well it's a long story." My mom said

"Lawyers and their long stories."My brother Jackson said

"So how was your first day of school?" My dad asked

"Pretty cool. Can't wait to start driving, so my mom can stop dropping me off. Things seem pretty easy, so far. Ya know. Pretty good day."My brother said rambling

"Sophia you okay? You're like falling asleep at the table." My mom said as we sat at the table for dinner

I picked my head up quickly "I'm fine. Just a long day and I feel really bloated. Maybe just feminine problems. Can I be excused?"

"Sure sweetie. Feel better. I can get you some midol if you need it." My mom said with a smile

"Thanks mom."I said heading for the stairs. I went up the stairs and then proceeded into my room. I closed the door and entered the bathroom in my room. I opened my phone and went to the period tracker app. "14 days late" it read on my phone screen.

"No no no."I said worrying my period was never more than a day late, never 2 weeks. I walked out of the bedroom and saw Cameron in his room. More like in his room with Amy Lewis. I rolled my eyes and closed my blinds. I sat on my bed and thought about it. What if I'm actually pregnant? No I can't be, we used a condom. I laid down and drifted into a deep sleep. Not worrying about it until tomorrow.

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