Chapter 26

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I zipped up the blue gown over my floral dress. My brown hair was curled so my cap could fit nicely over it. I turned around to my now one month old twins sitting on my bed with their dad wearing matching pink dresses I bought a few weeks ago.

I picked up McKenna who was smiling "Ready to watch mommy and daddy graduate?"

"And watch mommy give her valedictorian speech she won't let anyone hear?" Cameron said in a baby voice

I rolled my eyes "Whatever. Come on before we're late."

We put the twins in their carseats and walked down the stairs.

"You four look amazing!" My mom said who was dressed in a slimming blue dress and red heels

"Can't believe you're graduating Soph." My once angry dad said

I nodded my head "I can't either."

"Can I turn your room into a big closet for me? Then when you come to visit you and my nieces can sleep in the same room." Jackson asked

"No way in hell." I said adjusting Mckenzie's carseat

"Well get the girls out of the carseat and lets take pictures." My mom said getting out the camera

Cameron and I took the girls out of the car seat. He was holding McKenna and I was holding McKenzie. My mom made us do multiple poses. Which included us individually, Cam and I, Cam and the twins, Me and the twins, all of us, and one big group picture. After that was done Cameron and I drove in my 'mom mobile.'

Before we got out of the car I readjusted my hair. I hated that stupid cap.

"I'm proud of you." Cameron said giving me a kiss on the cheek

I smiled "I'm proud of you too. Come on we're gonna be late!"

We handed the girls over to my parents, because as much as I wished I could, I couldn't bring them on the stage. All the graduates lined up and walked out. The principal introduced as the Class of 2016 and that was my cue to give my speech.

I left my chair and walked to the podium holding the papers in my hand. "Good evening. I'm Sophia Miller and I'm your 2015-2016 valedictorian." Then claps started

"I am a valedictorian, a sister, a daughter, a student, a girlfriend, but most of all I'm a mother to McKenna Camryn Taylor and McKenzie Dylan Taylor. Yes at barely eighteen years old, I'm a mom to two twin girls. Statistics say 'Only 50% of teen mothers age 15-19 earn a high school diploma' Yet here I am standing in front of as a graduate and a valedictorian. Statistics say there's a 75% chance that I will not go to college, but I have a full ride to Stanford which I will be attending this coming fall." I said as I flipped the paper

"The eight months I was pregnant I was looked at with pity or one of the most disgusting things someone would see in their lifetime. Friends turned into foes, but I didn't really need friends. All I needed was faith to get through my last year of high school and get into my dream college. I did just that. The principal said I had to keep this under three minutes, so I'm going to wrap things up. I'm a statistic, but I'm not just a statistic. I'm valedictorian, a sister, a daughter, a student, a girlfriend, but my favorite of all I'm a mother to the two most amazing girls ever. Thank you." I said as people stood up to clap as I walked back to my seat.

I'm not just a statistic. I'm happy and content with my life. My crazy life with my boyfriend and our two daughter. Everything was going to be okay.

I don't know if I will continue you this story, but please go check out my new story

"Letting Go" Which can be seen if you go to my page. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE check it out. I've been working extremely hard on it that's why this story has been so MIA. Thank you so much. Letting go will turn into something interesting much like this. Stay tuned. :)

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