Chapter 17

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Sophia's POV

I woke up to my phone ringing continuously over and over again. I looked at the time 10:27pm Caller id- Mom

I rolled my eyes and answered the phone

"Hello?"I said still half-asleep

"Why didn't you answer my calls? This is damn important Sophia. Why were you sleeping at 9pm?"She said yelling

"Mom my phone was on do not disturb and I was helping set up my house. Not to mention I'm carrying 2 huge kids."I said aggravated

"Sophia,Cameron woke up last night. That's what I was calling you about for over 24 hours."My mom said

"What!"I literally yelled sitting up "How am I suppose to get there? My flight doesn't leave until tomorrow morning and I have no car."

"Just sit tight Soph. Your flight leaves in 5 hours. Do anything to take your mind off of it."My mom said "I checked for flights and there were none."

"Mom does he have his phone. I just need to hear his voice."I asked bitting my nails "Are you there?"

"Call him first then his mom. Good luck have a safe flight."She said before hanging up

I immediately dialed Cameron's number and just thought in my head for him to please pick up.

"Hello?"He said with a hoarse voice

"Oh my gosh. Cam."I said an unintional brittle sound

"Are you still in California?" He asked lowly

"Yes my flight leaves at 5am. I'm sorry for crying it's just I haven't heard your voice in 15 days and I miss you." I said standing up to sit on our new couch

"Don't cry baby girl."He said which instantly made me get chills "How are our girls?"

"How do you know they're girls?"I asked curiously and confused

"I know get what you meant about seeing the angels. I'll see you when you get here? I have to go get a scan done on my brain, just to make sure nothing is wrong." He said waking up a bit

"Wait Cam, nothings wrong right? You can still walk and eat by yourself?"I asked

"I told you it was a miracle. At this rate I'll be back to football in no time."

"I'm proud of you. Bye Cam. See you in a couple hours."I said hanging up

I got off my plane and got my bags from baggage claim. Walking through the airport with thousands of cars was hard. Then I spotted my "mom suv" as I like to call it. I unlocked the car and started the drive to the hospital Cam was at. The drive was peaceful and welcoming to see the mountains with snow on them. A sign that Christmas was only a few short weeks away. I pulled into the park lot of the hospital that held not so good memories for me. I left my luggage in the car and waddled my way inside. I looked at the room number his mom sent me. EI22. I made my way on the elevator, so I was hoping he was up. I walked down the freezing hallway where I saw Cameron's mom walking down.

"Sophia. You're back!"She said attempting to hug me

"Yeah, taking one of my last trips up to Stanford before I can't fly." I said looking at her

"I'm going to iHop to grab breakfast want anything?"She offered

"Pancakes and eggs.Tanks so much."I said with a smile

"Cameron is up. They have him on a tight schedule.Probably just catching up on school work. He's gonna be happy to see you. I'll be back in about an hour or so."She said before continuing to walk down the hall

I went into Cameron's room which was unlocked. I took a deep breath before I went around the corner. To see Cameron in the bed wire free wearing gym shorts and a t shirt of our school's mascot.

"Sophia."He said putting his work aside

"I'd run to you, but due to the obvious reasons I can't."I said walking to his hospital bed hugging him "I thought I was gonna loose you."

"You couldn't if you tried."He said pulling away to wipe the tears

"Fuck how I've missed you."I said pulling in for a hug again when I felt a movement in my stomach

"What was that?"Cameron said looking surprised

"Oh my gosh, they're moving."I said putting my hands on my stomach feeling the motions "This is the first time."

"That's crazy."Cameron said feeling the babies moving

"I go in a few days, to find out for sure."I said looking up

"I'll go if I can. Promise." He said with a smile

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