Chapter 5

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Sophia's POV

"Cameron? Why are you in my room and how did you get in?" I asked

"I'm tutoring your brother."He said rolling his eyes

"This isn't Jackson's room! What are you even tutoring him in?"I said throwing my purse on my bed

"Helping him with football, so he can take my star position as quarterback next year." He said looking around

"You're in here, because?" I asked looking at him

"We need to talk."He said

"About what?"I asked

"I remember when we made love in here and no one was home." He said walking around in my room

"Wasn't quite love, more like a mistake.I should of waited until I got married."I said rolling my eyes

"Wait you were a virgin?"He said suprised

"Yes Cameron. I don't just sleep around unlike some people."I said sitting on the couch in my room

"What is that supposed to mean?"He asked

"You totally sleep around, don't forget I can see into your room." I said with a wink

"Isn't losing your virginity like really special to girls?" He said looking me in the eye

"Isn't it to guys?"I asked "Don't be so sexist."

"Hey! Cam why are you in Sophia's room?"Jackson asked standing in the doorway of my room

"I had to give him a study guide for English, he's not the brightest cookie."I said opening my book sack handing him a random sheet of paper

"Thanks Sophia.You are so kind." Cameron said sarcastically walking out my room "Come on let's go practice Jackson."

I sighed and closed my bedroom door. If anything I should of gave him the positive pregnancy test. I sat down at my desk and started of the pile of homework that was waiting for me. Stanford is calling my name and no baby would stop me.

My phone buzzed after an hour and 45 minutes of pure homework. I looked at the caller ID and rolled my eyes.

"What Cameron?"I asked frustrated

"Want to make some more love?" He said with a smirk as I looked out my window at him.

"Go fuck yourself. You little shit." I hanged up and closed my curtains.

"Sophia!" My mom said entering my room

"Yes mom?"I asked frustrated cause all I needed to finish my stupid homework

"You got a letter from University of Utah! It's pretty thick."My mom said winking

I opened the letter "Dear Sophia Paige Miller, I am delighted to offer you a position in the freshman class of University of Utah school of Dentistry. Mom I don't want to go to UOU it's for under achievers the acceptance rate is like 89.9% I'm going to Stanford. Plus I wanna go out of state."

"Still Sophia! It's your first college acceptance letter. I'm proud of you sweetie. I'm gonna go call your dad."She said squealing leaving my room with the smell of steak came into my room making me throw up.

I flushed the toilet and wiped my mouth.

"Sophia what was that?" My mom asked staring into the bathroom in my room

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